Getting Started
- Create a Continuous Enrollment Course
- Activating eBooks, eTexts, and Interactive Presentations in CTE Courses
- Batch Update Scores in the Activity Grader
- Batch Update Temporary Zeroes to Desired Score
- Change User Settings- Teacher
- Changing Grade Scales
- CheckMyWork- Teacher
- Course Activities Tool
- Course Codes, Pathways, and Levels
- Create a Google Document Portfolio Template and Google Doc Activities
- Create Course Blackout Dates
- Enrollments Tool for Teachers and Administrators
- Gradebook Icons and Visual Indicators
- Grading Activities
- How do I create announcements?
- How to add User Notes to Courses, Folders, and Activities
- How to use the Grade Editor
- Import and Export Scores
- Invite Students to a Course
- Key Articles for Teachers
- Manage Notifications
- Managing Course Cards
- Managing Course Settings
- Managing Courses on my Home Page
- Pearson Connexus User Manual: Teachers
- Reset or Change Your Password- Teachers and Admin
- Review Student Accommodations
- Sign in to Pearson Connexus
- Student Logs for Teachers
- Student Progress in Mastering Objectives