The Enrollments tool provides an at-a-glance view of a student's academic performance across all courses, which aids both Teachers and Administrators in determining which further actions to take. Enrollments prompts data-driven decisions, encouraging Teachers and Administrators to look deeper into student data and intervene as needed.
Teachers and Administrators can access the Enrollments tool from the Main Menu.
Who can see the Enrollments tool?
Teachers and Administrators view the same features and have the same abilities with the exception of sending Welcome Messages to students.
Teachers will see records for each student enrolled in their courses.
Administrators may view records for all students enrolled in all courses at their domains.
Administrators may send WebMail messages by following the Pearson Connexus WebMail for Teachers and Administrators guidelines, but student data only displays for users with appropriate permissions.
Teachers with the same student enrolled in multiple courses will see the student listed in the Enrollments Tool for each course. This allows Teachers to evaluate the student's performance in each course separately.
Introduction to the Four Tabs of the Enrollments Tool
The Enrollments Tool offers four course enrollment views:
Performance: Provides an overview of the overall scores for all students in a Teacher’s courses.
Each course enrollment is evaluated and assigned a status of Passing, At Risk, or Failing.
Student performance takes into account both the overall score and the student’s performance on the last five gradable activities. This information is retrieved from the student’s Gradebook.
Courses have a default passing score of 80% on all activities (e.g., assessments, lessons, homework).
Course activities, passing scores, and other course-level scores can be adjusted using course settings.
Pace: Allows Teachers to determine if students are adequately moving through the course and highlights students who are falling behind in the coursework.
Each course enrollment is evaluated and assigned a status of On Schedule, Falling Behind, or Behind.
Students may have a different status for each course in which they are enrolled.
Identifies students who have not attempted recent course activities that are due.
Objective Mastery: Enables Teachers and Administrators to view the status of their students' mastery of course objectives. The Objective Mastery tab displays how students in a course are performing on various lessons. This insight enables a Teacher or Administrator to take a targeted approach in helping students improve their performance by knowing where they are excelling or struggling with a particular concept. Objective Mastery provides a visual summary of the following performance information for each individual lesson:
- Students who have mastered each lesson.
- Students who attempted the lesson but did not meet the mastery threshold for the material.
- Students who have not attempted the assigned lesson.
Enrolled Students: Identifies students enrolled in courses the Teacher is currently teaching. The Teacher can send Welcome WebMail messages to students who are scheduled to start their courses.
Note: The Welcome Message button is not active until the student start date has begun.
Features Available from All Tabs
WebMail: Send a WebMail message to one or more students directly from the Enrollments tool. Filtering allows the Teacher to target specific students in a tab.
CSV File Export: Export all the student data from any tab. This supports reporting and analysis.
Student Special Status Flag: A flag displays under the special status column to indicate a student’s special statuses (e.g., 504, IEP, NCAA, ELL).
Performance Tab
The Performance tab provides a visual overview of student performance. Performance is indicated by a colored circle next to the score, as shown in the image below. The default passing score for all courses is 80%. To update the passing score for a course, refer to the Managing Course Settings article.
Note: Tabs only display the number of active enrollments, not the number of students in a course. For example, if a student is taking more than one course with the same teacher, the student is counted twice to account for the student’s dual enrollment. To view students' performance status, follow the steps below.
From the Performance tab, select one of the status tabs to view all students whose academic standing in the course fall into the At Risk, Failing, or Passing categories.
The colors represent the following categories:
Green circle: Passing |
.25*(100-passing score)
Yellow circle: At Risk |
The performance indicator displays At Risk if the student’s score is less than 5% above the passing score for the course or if the student has failed one of the last five gradable items in a course. |
Red circle: Failing |
The performance indicator shows Failing if the student’s score is below the passing score for the course or if the student has failed two or more of the last gradable items. |
Recent gradable activities: The number of gradable activities (not submissions) that will be examined. The default value is five, so the Performance and Pace tabs display the last five gradable items the student has attempted. For example, if a course has 50 gradable activities, and the student is currently on the 15th gradable activity, the performance measure will be for activities 11-15.
All gradable activities, including items with a weight of zero, are included in the overall score of a course. Low performance on any gradable activity could negatively impact the student's overall grade.
Search and Filter
Search for students by name, score, latest activity, course, program, or special status.
Select one of the following headers to filter by that category.
Retrieve More Information
Select a student name from the list to view additional information. The student’s Gradebook for the associated course displays. For Teachers, the student’s Gradebook will appear in the same browser window. For Administrators, the student’s Gradebook will display in a separate tab in the Teacher application rather than the Administrator application.
Teachers may select Back or select the Enrollments tool in the Main Menu to return to Enrollments. Administrators must navigate to the previous tab before selecting a student’s name. Select the Enrollments tool in the Main Menu to return to the Enrollments tool.
Pace Tab
View students whose status in a course is Falling Behind, Behind, or On Schedule.
Pace is displayed using the following visual indicators:
Yellow circle: Falling Behind |
A student has 10% or more gradable items past due in a course. Note: Due date is the instructor-set date on which work is due and can vary depending on the course type. |
Red circle: Behind |
A student has 30% or more gradable items past due in a course. |
Green circle: On Schedule |
Student has submitted all gradable items on time, or fewer than 10% of the gradable items in the course are past due. |
Select a student name from the list to view additional information. The student’s Gradebook for the associated course displays.
For Teachers, the student’s Gradebook displays in the same browser window. For Administrators, the student’s Gradebook displays in a separate tab in the Teacher application rather than the Administrator application.
Pace, due dates, and course start and end dates differ based on the course types. The two major course types are Range and Continuous Courses. The table below highlights the differences between Range and Continuous Courses.
Traditional (Range) Courses |
Continuous Courses |
Pace is the same for all students. |
Pace is individually set for each student. |
Rigid due dates with no late submissions by default. |
Due dates are dynamic, and students are not prevented from moving ahead. |
Course start and end dates are automatically determined and are the same for all students. |
Course duration is established by the number of days for a course, and it's used to auto-assign an enrollment end date (optional). For example, when using 90 days as the course duration, the enrollment end date for a student enrolled today is automatically 90 days after today. |
Objective Mastery Tab
Teachers and Administrators can view the status of their students' mastery of course objectives by selecting the Objective Mastery tab at the top of the page.
The Objective ID is the first column and links to the course’s objectives page when selected. The percentage of students who fall into the categories of Mastered, Not Mastered, or No Attempt are displayed at the top of this page.
To view a brief description of an objective, hover over the Objective ID. A popup window displays the description.
For Teachers, Objective Mastery will display in the same browser window. For Administrators, it opens in a separate tab. Teachers select Back or select the Enrollments tool from the Main Menu to return to the Enrollments tool. Administrators must return to the previous tab before selecting the objective name.
Filtering and Sorting Objectives
To find a specific Objective ID, enter the desired text in the Search box at the top of the grid. The grid begins filtering as text is entered. The Search box can also be used to search and filter by Course Name and Domain Name.
Select Mastered to sort objectives by those mastered by most students. Select Not Mastered to sort by students who have yet to master the objectives. Small arrows appear, illustrating the direction of the sorting order.
Export Objectives
To export a list of a user's objectives, select Export as CSV to the left of the Search box. A file will download. The export will include Objective IDs, Number of Students who have Mastered, Not Mastered, and Not Attempted the Objective, Course Names, and Domain Names.
Enrolled Students Tab
This tab identifies students enrolled in courses the Teacher is currently teaching.
While Teachers can still send a regular WebMail, there is an added feature to send a special Welcome Message WebMail to students who are scheduled to start their courses.
This option will be available as long as:
- The Welcome Message is sent to a single student or multiple students enrolled in the same course.
- The student start date in the course has begun.
- The student has not yet received a welcome message for the course.
NOTE: If a student receives a Welcome Webmail for a course and their enrollment is transferred to another course, the student will still appear as having had a Welcome Webmail sent. In this case, you will have to manually send the Welcome WebMail through Compose Message.
The Welcome Message column displays if a student has received a welcome message, in addition to the number of days the student has gone without receiving one message.
For more information, please visit Pearson Connexus Welcome Message WebMail for Teachers.
Search and Filter the Grid by Student Name, Course, or Program
- Locate the Search bar above the grid and below the status tabs.
- Enter a student name, course, or program in the search text field. The grid begins filtering after the second character is entered. The following screen displays.
Export a .CSV File of Students in Enrollments
Teachers and Administrators can download and change data in an Excel file by exporting a .csv file of student data. To export a .csv file, follow these steps.
- Select Export as CSV in the top right corner of the page from any tab in the Enrollments tool.
- Locate the file path of the download. The export lists every student regardless of status.
- Open the file in Excel or a similar program, and modify the data as needed.
Sending and Composing WebMail from Enrollments
Select Students to Send WebMail
- From the Performance, Pace, or Newly Enrolled Students tabs, select the People tool in the top-left corner of the grid. A drop-down menu displays.
Note: This dropdown menu is dynamic. It depends on the tab and filtered search criteria. Select Enrolled Students to include all students in this tab. To select specific students from the tab, select the box to the left of the students' names. - Once all checkboxes next to students' names are selected, Compose Message
is activated, displaying the total number of students currently selected.
Individual students can be deselected by selecting the checkbox next to a student's name. - To deselect all selected students, select the dropdown menu, then select Clear All.
- To add additional students before composing the WebMail message, select the desired tab, and add students as described above.
Compose WebMail Message to Selected Students
- Once a student or multiple students have been selected, select Compose Message. A New WebMail Message window displays. Note: Student names only appear once, even when students are in multiple groups.
- Remove students from a WebMail message by selecting the X to the right of the students' names.
- Complete the Subject and Body, then select Send Message to submit the WebMail message to the listed recipients. Select Cancel to close without sending and return to Enrollments.
For more information, review the following videos.
- Enrollments Dashboard Overview
- How to Export Enrollments Dashboard Data to an Excel file