If zeroes have been automatically assigned to past-due activities, and you would like to change that automatic zero to a different score, please follow the directions below.
Please note that you must have Course Teacher-Author permissions to complete this task.
- Open the Course settings.
- Scroll down to Advanced options.
- Ensure Automatically assign zero scores to past-due activities is checked.
- Ensure Mark auto-zeroed activities as complete is NOT checked.
- Open the course gradebook and select the assessment you want to change. This opens the activity grader.
- Select the Tools icon, scroll down and select Batch Update Scores.
- Select the students whose scores you want to change.
- Select
- Auto-Fill Scores
- Ensure Entries to auto-fill is set to Selected,
- Enter the new score
- Indicate whether you want to Return scores to students and/or Allow retry for the activity
- Select Update