Courses tool
The Courses tool default screen displays courses in the domain and allows you to:
- Search for courses in the domain (check the box to limit your search results to Active courses only). Filter the course list by course metadata.
- Use the New [plus sign] button to Create courses.
- Use the vertical menu in the toolbar to Import or Bulk update courses. To use Bulk update, first check the boxes next to the courses you want impacted.
- Select a Course ID to access the course screens (described below).

Course screens
Select a Course ID to access course screens:
- Details to review and edit course information.
- Enrollments to create, delete, import, search, update, and edit a course's enrollments.
- Subscribers to add, remove, search, and edit course subscribers.
- History to review changes made to courses.

Course Details screen
The course Details screen lets you edit a course's title, term (or school year if your domain has Grading Periods), external ID, whether you want it to be Public, and schedule type (date range or continuous).
When editing the course title, information should be added at the end of the course name. For example, with Accounting II (CL) 5.18D, you can add a name after, such as Ms. Green, but not at the beginning of the course title. Select the Home icon next to the Domain ID to go to the domain. Save your changes.

History allows admins to review changes made to courses.
- Select Changes to see changed settings.
- Select Details to see current settings.

Bulk update
Pearson Connexus allows you to update certain course components in bulk. To do so, check the boxes for the courses you want to update and select Bulk update. From here you can:
- Update Field values.
- Apply Template settings (if enabled in your domain).

Update Field values
- On the Field values tab, you can edit the following settings by checking the appropriate box and editing the field:
- Type (range or continuous )
- Days the course should be available for students if you choose continuous
- Start date
- End date
- Bulk updates are permanent and should be handled very carefully to ensure you are editing the correct courses. Because of this, Pearson Connexus requires you to check the box reading:
- I have verified that the courses I am about to permanently update are the correct ones, and I confirm that I want to update them with the field values shown above.
- Once you have checked this box, select Update.

Apply Template settings
If your domain has defined template courses, a Template tab also appears. If you want to apply settings from an existing course template:
- Select the desired Template from the drop-down
- Check the boxes next to the settings you want.
- Bulk updates are permanent and should be handled very carefully to ensure you are editing the correct courses. Because of this, Pearson Connexus requires you to check the box reading:
- I have verified that the courses I am about to permanently update are the correct ones, and I confirm that I want to update them with the field values shown above.
- Once you have checked this box, select Update.