Add new enrollments to one course
One course, single, or multiple enrollments = Course > Enrollments
To add a new enrollment:
- Select the New [plus sign] button in the toolbar.
- Provide the following for the new enrollment:
- The user name or ID to search the current domain; to search all domains or browse through the users you can access, select the list (browse) icon at the far right of the User field (required). To add more than one user enrollment, select Add Another.
- The desired Role (required).
- The desired Status (required).
- A Start Date and an End Date for the enrollment (optional).
- An External ID, which is any ID needed to align the enrollment with an external program or application (optional).
- Select Permission Details to see which permissions are granted by a selected role; if you want to create a custom role, check the boxes next to the permissions you want included. Permissions granted here are applicable only within this course.
- Select Create.
For more information, review this video on How to Add Users to Courses: Manual Process.
Bulk Enroll Users
See the attached template at the end of the article.To bulk enroll multiple enrollments within multiple courses, use the domain level enrollment tool:
- Select Domain from the Main Menu
- Select the More (3 vertical dots), then select Import enrollments from the dropdown menu.
- Select Choose File and locate the .csv file to import on your hard drive, then select Open.
The screen will display a recap of each user to import within Validate data. - Review the information and select Import.
- In the lower left, ensure there are no errors. If present, these rows did not import and the root cause is in the first column. Review these and correct, then import these rows with errors again. Rows without errors still imported.
- Select Done to close the import enrollment window.
For more information, review this video for using the .csv file to Import Enrollments into Pearson Connexus.
Manage Existing Enrollments
Use this screen to manage and import enrollments.
- To edit or add observers to an enrollment, select the Enrollment ID.
- To see a user's enrollment details in the Users tool, select the User ID.
- To delete an enrollment, check its box then select Delete; check multiple boxes to delete more than one at a time.
- To move an enrollment, check its box then select Move.
- To review and restore deleted enrollments, select Restore.
- To update multiple enrollments' Status (active/inactive), Role, Start Date, or End Date at once, check their boxes and select Bulk Update. These are permanent changes, so be careful.
- To import enrollments using a tab-delimited or comma-separated file, select Import, then browse to the file on your computer. You can also import enrollments by selecting the ticket (enrollments) icon in the Domain tool's toolbar.
Enrollment History
When an enrollment is selected, the History tab allows admins to review changes made to that enrollment.
- Select the View options (when available) to see the old and new values.
- Select Changes to see changed settings.
- Select Details to see current settings.
Bulk update
Pearson Connexus allows you to update certain enrollment components in bulk. To do so:
- Check the boxes for the enrollments you want to update, then select Bulk update.
- Edit the following settings by checking the appropriate box and making the desired changes:
- Status
- Role
- Start date
- End date
- Bulk updates are permanent and should be handled very carefully to ensure you are editing the correct enrollments. As such, you are required to check the box reading:
- I have verified that the enrollments I am about to permanently update are the correct ones, and I confirm that I want to update them with the field values shown above.
- Once you have checked this box, select Update.
Delete existing enrollments
To delete an enrollment:
- From the Main Menu, open Courses.
- Select the course's Course ID.
- Select Enrollments from the tabs bar.
Check the box next to the enrollments to be deleted.
- Select the More menu (three vertical dots), then select Delete. Be mindful to not delete course enrollments with performance data, or theses scores will no longer be represented in the student’s performance.
Restore deleted enrollments
To restore a deleted enrollment:
- From the Main Menu, open the Courses tool.
- Select the course's Course ID.
- Select Enrollments from the tabs bar.
- Select the More menu (three vertical dots), then select Restore.
- A new window of all deleted enrollments displays. Find the enrollment(s) to restore, and select them on the left.
- Select Restore in the top right to bring the enrollment(s) back into the Enrollments tab.