The Student Grades screen provides teachers and administrators a view of a student's progress as students, themselves, see it.
Teachers can access it by selecting a student in the following places:
Administrators can access by selecting a student's Course enrollment from Users > [Student] User ID > Performance.
The Student Grades screen can show up to ten tabs, where users with appropriate permissions can:
- View activity Grades, use the Grades tools in the toolbar, and select an activity to grade with the Grade editor.
- View overall grades and progress in the student Dashboard. For more information, review this video on Accessing All Student Course Grades from the Teacher App.
- Review personalized For me tasks.
- Use the What if tool to explore grade possibilities for the student.
- Review the student's recent Activity in the course.
- Review Objective mastery.
- Review course Analytics.
- Review Badges earned.
- Review the student's Stream.
- Review the student's To-do list.

Grades tab tools
Teachers and admins with appropriate permissions can:
- Use Quick edit to make changes to any activity score for the student.
- Batch-update grades for the student on multiple activities.
- Print grades.
- Use the Clipboard and go to Announcements.
- Organize the activities on the screen by Grading categories or by Syllabus order.

Quick edit
The Quick edit tool allows you to update activity Scores for a student.
Follow the steps below:
- Select the Enable quick-edit grading button in the toolbar (it is highlighted when enabled as in the screenshot).
- Select the row for any gradable activity to activate the editable field and update the Score column.
- Selecting a new row saves the updated Score.
- Selecting Enter while in a field saves the Score and navigates to the next editable Score field.
- Selecting Shift+Enter while in a field saves the Score and navigates to the previous editable Score field.
Note: When you're done using Quick edit, select the tool in the toolbar to disable it.
If left enabled, it remains enabled when you navigate away from the screen, so you can return and continue editing scores. Enabling Quick edit from this screen also enables it in the Gradebook, so you can navigate between screens to update scores.

Batch-update grades
From the Student Grades area, you can Batch-update grades for multiple activities for the selected student.
Follow the steps below:
- Select Enable batch-update grading button in the toolbar (it is highlighted when enabled as in the screenshot).
- Check the boxes next to activities to update grades.
- Select Allow Retry or Excuse button to apply the grade update.