In a Prescriptive or Sequential course, students cannot move on until they earn a passing score or complete the current activity. The only way students can move on to the next activity is if a Teacher assigns a passing score or excuses them from the content activity(ies).
The Gradebook defaults to show only gradable activities. If students need to be excused from graded and non-graded activities in one or more units within Pearson Connexus, change the Gradebook view filters to display non-gradable activities, then excuse the desired content.
To excuse a gradable activity:
- Select Gradebook from the desired course card on the Home page.
- Go to the student's row and the column for the content to excuse. Double select the content to open the Grade Editor.
- The Grade Editor popup window displays. Select Excuse.
- The popup window will close, and the activity will now have an X in the Gradebook. Repeat these steps to excuse content for all gradable content.
To excuse a non-gradable activity:
- Select Gradebook from the desired course card on the Home page.
- Double select the activity in the student's row and the appropriate column.
- A popup window indicates that the student has not completed the activity.
- Select Mark Complete to excuse the non-gradable activity for the selected student.
- The activity will refresh, and the Gradebook will have a completion checkmark for this activity.
To unmark an activity:
- Select the activity marked with a green checkmark.
- A popup window displays, indicating the student has completed the activity.
- Select Mark Activity as Incomplete.
- The activity will refresh, and the checkmark will no longer appear in the Gradebook for this activity.