To withdraw a student from a course, the student's enrollment status in the course must be changed. This can be done for individual courses or in bulk for all courses.
To entirely withdraw a Student from Pearson Connexus, the status must be changed to Inactive within the User Profile. The student’s enrollment status in all courses must be changed first in order to successfully withdraw the student from the program.
Important: Do not delete a student to withdraw them from the program. If a Student is deleted, all enrollment and grade data are purged. The only time school/programs should delete a student is if the user was created incorrectly and needs to be deleted before the student enrolls in a course(s).
Withdrawing a Student from a Single Course
- Select Users from the Main Menu.
- Locate the student who needs to be withdrawn and select the User ID.
- Select the Enrollments tab.
- Select the Enrollment ID for the course from which you wish to withdraw the student.
- Change the Status field to reflect the desired status for the Student.
- Select Save.
Withdrawing a Student from Multiple Courses
- Select Users from the Main Menu.
- Locate the student who needs to be withdrawn and select the User ID.
- Select the Enrollments tab.
- Select the checkboxes for each course or select all courses using the top selection box.
- Select More from the Header menu and then select Bulk update.
- Check the box next to Status and use the drop-down menu to change the status to Withdrawn.
- Ensure the changes are correct and select the box stating, "I have verified that the enrollments I am about to permanently update are the correct ones, and I confirm that I want to update them with the field values shown above."
- Select Update.
Changing the Student's Active Status
- Select Users from the Main Menu.
- Locate the student you need to make inactive and select the User ID.
- Deselect the Active box.
- Select Save.
For more information, review this video on How to Make A User Inactive & How to Change User Statuses in Courses. Note that once a student is marked inactive, their courses should also be moved over to a status other than active, such as Withdrawn, Completed, or Inactive.