The User Details Report allows Administrators to view user creation/modification metadata, password changes, and login times for more than 500 users at a time.
To Run a User Details Report:
- Select Other Reports from the Main Menu, then select User Details.
- Choose a Domain from the drop-down menu (Administrators only) Note: District Administrators can view user details for any school in their domain, or they can select All for a full district report on users. School Administrators are able to pull a report for users at their school domain.
- Select the users to be included in the report by highlighting them and selecting the double arrows. All active users are selected by default.
- Select the User State
- Active: In the user profile, the Active checkbox is selected and the user can log into platform.
- Inactive In the user profile, the Active checkbox is unselected and users cannot log into platform. Admins should set users to be inactive as they leave the school or graduate.
- Active & Inactive: All users, except those who have been deleted.
- Deleted: Displays users who have been deleted. Admins can use this report to identify users who may have been deleted (intentionally or inadvertently) and contact our support teams to recover the user profiles.
- Note: the users listed in each state are based on their current user state, not a user state they may have been in the past.
- Select Submit.
Reading the User Details Report
A | Domain ID | This is the Domain ID that was selected. It will be the same for each item since only one domain can be viewed at a time. |
B | Domain Name | This is the Domain name selected. It will be the same for each item since only one domain can be viewed at a time. |
C | User ID | The User ID |
D | First Name | User First Name |
E | Last Name | User Last Name |
F | External ID | A Student Information System (SIS) unique ID for the SIS section or course, if the school is integrating with their SIS. |
G | Username | Pearson Connexus username |
H | the user's email address | |
I | Status | the current user state |
J | Date of Last Password Change | A default generic time stamp of 01/01/1753 12:00:00 AM if the user's password has never been changed. If it has been changed, the last date and time of change displays. |
K | First Login Date | This is the first time the user logged in to the platform. A default generic timestamp of 01/01/1753 12:00:00 AM displays for users who have not logged in. Can be a useful attendance measurement. |
L | Last Login Date | This is the last time the user logged in to the platform. A default generic timestamp of 01/01/1753 12:00:00 AM displays for users who have not logged in. Can be a useful attendance measurement. This does not reflect time in course or activity time; simply the last time the student logged in. |
M | Created By | The user ID of the person who created the user listed in this report row. If the user ID is not found within the customer's domain, it could be from the district domain or belongs to a Pearson employee. |
N | Created Date | Date the course was created or copied. |
O | Modified By | The user ID of the person who modified the user listed in this report row. If the user ID is not found within the customer's domain, it could be from the district domain or belongs to a Pearson employee. |
P | Modified Date | The date and time of the most recent change to user data. This field does not provide the data that was changed; only the last date that something was changed within the user profile or user properties. |
Other User Data | Any unique metadata that has been added to the domain will be included in this report. If any data resides within the user profile, it will be displayed. |
For more information, review this video on the User Details Report.
Additional Articles:
- Run Critical Alerts Report
- Run Overall Usage Report
- Run Student Activity Details Report
- Run Student Activity Summary Report
- Run Student Usage by Day Report
- Run BASI Performance Report
- Run Course Details Report