The Teacher Dashboard aggregates and displays data about student performance, progress, and teacher responsiveness. It can be accessed it from the Teacher Home page.
Teacher Dashboard data
To provide this summarized data, Pearson assesses it in the following ways by default:
- Teacher responsiveness in grading activities for each course falls into one of three color categories:
- Green means the teacher has graded all submitted, gradable items within 2 days or less.
- Yellow means one or more submitted, gradable items have gone 3 or more days ungraded.
- Red means one or more submitted, gradable items have gone 6 or more days ungraded.
- Aggregated Student performance for each course falls into one of three color categories:
- Green means that, in aggregate, a course's students are performing above 10% of the minimum grade for the course.
- Yellow means that, in aggregate, a course's students have failed in 1 of their last five submissions or they are within 10% of failing the course.
- Red means that, in aggregate, a course's students have failed 2 of their last five submissions or they are failing the course.
- Aggregated Student pace for each course falls into one of three color categories:
- Green means that, in aggregate, a course's students are submitting all gradable items on time or that less than 10% are past due.
- Yellow means that, in aggregate, a course's students have 10% or more of gradable items past due.
- Red means that, in aggregate, a course's students have 30% or more of gradable items past due.
Change Teacher Dashboard data defaults
If you want to change these thresholds to meet your organizations standards, follow the directions below. Note: These changes should only be performed by advanced users of the system.
- Open the vertical menu in the toolbar of Domain Details.
- Select Domain Settings..

- Open the Text editor from the toolbar.
- Add the following code to the Domain Customization window within the
<score red="0" yellow="0.25"/>
<direction count="5" red="2" yellow="1"/>
<late red="0.3" yellow="0.15"/>
<activity red="15" yellow="8" range="false"/>
<responsiveness red="5" yellow="3"/>
<completion red="0.8" yellow="0.9"/>
<rollup redweight="4" yellowweight="1" red="0.3" yellow="0.1"/>
This code represents the enrollmentmetrics
element and it specifies the parameters for the data shown on the Teacher Dashboard and elsewhere in Pearson Connexus. Each value is optional, and if not otherwise specified, the defaults outlined above are used.

This table outlines the enrollment metrics elements you can edit for your courses.
Element |
Attribute |
Meaning |
enrollmentmetrics / performance / score | red | The fraction above the course passing score for the red threshold. The default is 0. For example if passing score is 0.7 set red="0.1" to make the threshold 0.73. |
yellow | The fraction above the course passing score for the yellow threshold. This is larger than red. The default is 0.25. For example if passing score is 0.7 set yellow="0.3" to make the threshold 0.79. | |
enrollmentmetrics / performance / direction | count | The last count number of gradable items to use. Default is 5. |
red | The minimum number of items below passing. The default is 2. | |
yellow | The minimum number of items below passing. The default is 1. | |
enrollmentmetrics / pace / late | red | The fraction of items that are past the due date. The default is 0.3. |
yellow | The fraction of items that are past the due date. The default is 0.15. | |
enrollmentmetrics / pace / activity | red | The number of days without any student activity in this enrollment. The default is 15. |
yellow | The number of days without any student activity in this enrollment. The default is 8. | |
range | Set to true to apply activity metrics to range sections. The default is false. Normally range sections have other indications that the student needs help, including late and performance. | |
enrollmentmetrics / responsiveness | red | The number of days that the oldest assignment has been in the queue to be graded. The default is 5. |
yellow | The number of days that the oldest assignment has been in the queue to be graded. The default is 3. | |
enrollmentmetrics / completion | red | The fraction of student enrollments with a passing grade. The default is 0.8. |
yellow | The fraction of student enrollments with a passing grade. The default is 0.9. | |
enrollmentmetrics / rollup | redweight | The weight for a rollup for a red signal. The default is 4. |
yellowweight | The weight for a rollup for a yellow signal. The default is 1. | |
red | The weighted average for signals for a rollup. The default is 0.3. | |
yellow | The weighted average for signals for a rollup. The default is 0.1. |