The following Release Notes are for 2020. To view the most current release notes, select the article: Release Notes
December 2, 2020
- We added a hover tooltip to entries in the Rich text editor > Insert media dropdown menu to accommodate resources with long paths or filenames.
- We added an Insert emoji button to the Rich text editor and the Publish Anywhere option.
- We added the "allow" attribute to the list of HTML attributes supported by the Rich text editor.
- We fixed a bug in the question editor that prevented media files that contained a % character from displaying.
- We improved scrolling behavior in the Editor > Syllabus screen when double-clicking the last activity to edit.
- We fixed a bug in the Clipboard that caused newly assigned tasks to be blank when users pasted the same content as a previously assigned task.
- We removed unnecessary line breaks between No groupings and No activities messages in the Editor > Group settings screen for courses with no activities.
- We added a validation error message to the Grade editor and Discussion post editor when users attempt to upload blank attachments.
November 11, 2020
- We enabled a field specifying the allowed application hostname in Domain settings when users configure either CAS or SAML. This is the hostname that is allowed to authenticate through the SSO and is automatically populated based on the configuration. For many customers, It will be your custom URL [userspace] For those with a custom URL, it will be your custom URL. When configuring SAML using the newly released SAML option, this hostname is automatically added during setup based upon the current hostname being used during configuration. When using CAS, we added a button to update the field to the current hostname. Domain Administrators who have configured CAS should open Domain settings and select the Update button to populate the field.
- We enabled users to move the video window on their screen to give them a better idea of what they need while recording (e.g., Teachers have a better recording of the submissions they grade.)
- We updated the Automatically assign zero scores to past-due activities feature to remove automatically assigned zero scores from activities if the setting has been disabled.
- We fixed a bug that prevented student-uploaded videos from displaying in the Gradebook if the student successfully submitted the activity before Pearson Connexus processed the video.
- We fixed a bug that prevented variables with less-than symbols from displaying as questions in the Question editor.
- We fixed a bug in the Question editor that prevented replacement variables from being recognized when generating questions if the questions used replacement variables in media resource paths.
- We fixed a bug that prevented password-protected activities from immediately displaying after users provided a valid password.
- We updated the Clipboard to ensure that activities copied from the Digital Library are visible when assigned to students.
- We enabled the Teacher > View/delete courses page to display blank values for course enrollments that do not have start and end dates.
- We fixed a bug that caused deleted assigned activities to remain gradable in the Gradebook.
November 5, 2020
- We fixed a bug that caused some assessment questions to display all answers as incorrect when an assessment has both autograded and manually graded items.
- We added a new SAML authentication authentication allowing multiple Identity providers (IdP) for SSO users and better security.
- We added a Logout redirect URL setting to the Authentication card in the Domain settings screen that displays only when single sign-on is enabled in the domain.
- We fixed a bug in the Needs grading screen that prevented teachers from opening activities that had been deleted or hidden from students.
- We added screen reader text to some images in the Resource library.
October 30, 2020
- We made the following enhancements to the Calendar:
Grouped activities by Course then by Folder.
Displayed a single dot for each course that has events on a particular day (previously each dot represented an activity).
Improved styling for grouping events by course. Removed the All filter.
- We improved ability to view long answers for fill-in-the-blank questions by showing the complete answer on hover.
- We fixed a bug that caused the Instructions card toolbar to overlap the Insert link popup.
- We fixed a bug that that sometimes prevented users from inserting images in Activity instructions.
- We fixed a bug that sometimes caused the badge-notification popup to display a broken image instead of the badge thumbnail.
- We fixed a bug that caused the Enable multi-outcome scoring button text to run off the card in some languages.
- We added some missing tooltips to the teacher's view of the student Grades page.
- We fixed a bug in the Activity Player that caused the Submit button and Submission card to disappear when running in languages other than English.
- We fixed a bug in some Admin screens that prevented the delete entity function from working for some entities in languages other than English.
- We fixed a bug that caused an empty popup window to display when users selected an empty cell in the IEP column.
- We fixed a bug that caused extra lines to display in Multi-Outcome Scoring Gradebooks.
- We fixed a bug in the Syllabus view of students' Gradebooks that prevented extra-credit activities from displaying the extra-credit icon.
- We fixed a bug in template assessments that prevented Student Notes from displaying for questions and prevented students from highlighting text outside of questions.
- We fixed a bug in the Editor > Projects tab that caused the move up/down menus to appear disabled that were not.
- We fixed a bug in the Assessment Editor caused browsers to crash or stop responding when assessments contained hundreds of questions with HTML links in the question bodies.
- We fixed a bug that prevented the Text to Speech button from working.
- We fixed a bug that prevented assessment content from displaying when users attempted to print assessments that used assessment templates.
- We added a confirmation prompt in the Activity Editor when deleting an assessment question filtered by a group.
- We fixed a bug in the import feature that sometimes prevented files with .csv extensions from importing.
- We added missing validations to the Edit blackout date dialog for students to ensure information is submitted in the correct format.
- We fixed a bug that caused Caretakers/Learning Coaches to be taken to the app selector screen when attempting to view their student's pending scores.
- We fixed a bug in the Activity Player that caused Caretakers/Learning Coaches to be erroneously taken to the next available activity.
- We fixed a bug that prevented users from recording audio when using Firefox browsers.
- We removed the move up and move down buttons from the More option in the Projects tab because the was not additional content for users to move up or down to view.
- We added a Domain setting to show or hide affirmation messages when students complete continuous-course activities for the day.
- We enabled teachers to remove badges for students.
- We improved usability of the User settings screen by grouping the Notification settings together.
- We enhanced the course Gradebook to allow entering an X in quick-edit grading as a shortcut to excuse an activity.
- We added an icon (a circle with a slash through it) to the Editor > Weights screen that indicates which activities have empty category weights.
- We fixed a bug that sometimes prevented SIS Syncs from displaying error details.
- We fixed a bug that sometimes caused users to be taken to the Course Home page rather than the desired activity when users double-clicked the activity while on the folder Home screen.
- We fixed a bug that allowed commas in numeric responses for fill-in-the-blank questions.
- We fixed a bug that caused a "No questions to display" message to display for practice-question activities when there were questions available.
- We fixed a bug that caused a "Done" message to display rather than "No activities to display" in the Choose activity popup window.
- We fixed a bug that caused lengthy columns to overlap in the view/delete courses screen.
- We fixed a bug that prevented teachers from viewing an activity in a past course after viewing the same activity as a student.
- We fixed a bug that caused usage data to overlap with buttons on the Domain settings > Usage screen when community pages or the Resource Library were selected as the Application setting.
- We fixed a bug that caused users to be taken to the Home screen instead of the Wiki activity when previewing Wiki activities in the Digital Library or the Wiki Activity editor.
- We fixed a bug that prevented the border from displaying in the Editor > Syllabus screen's right panel.
- We fixed a bug that caused a Javascript error message to display rather than a prompt requesting the user to select a period within the Editor > Weights screen when no period had been selected.
- We updated the application About > General information dialog to include the activity ID when viewed while in an activity.
- We fixed a bug in the Grade Editor that caused invalid characters to be accepted in the Score field.
- We improved file attachment dialog usability for mobile devices.
- We fixed a bug in the student Grades page that caused column data to overlap for some languages.
- We added a tooltip for the not-returned-to-student icon in course Gradebook score column.
- We fixed a bug that caused students to be taken to a previously viewed screen when closing the student Notes dialog box while previewing assessments in the Digital Library.
October 15, 2020
- We enabled students to upload documents to CheckMyWork multiple times.
October 9, 2020
- We removed the additional course menu filters for subject, subject area, and school level. The course metadata within individual courses will still be visible, if updated with these values.
September 21, 2020
- We fixed a bug that prevented teachers from reviewing quick check assessments of students who changed sections.
September 17, 2020
- We added a domain setting that allows domains to hide the Insert YouTube video buttons in the rich-text editor, Clipboard, and Activity editors.
- We made the User menu available to users while in an activity, including the About and Logout menu options for all users and the View as option for teachers and admins.
- We added a Course setting for Continuous enrollment courses that, when enabled, causes activities within a folder to have the same auto-generated due date.
- We updated the Agenda screens to display the day of the week in addition to the Agenda calendar date to easily tell what day the agenda is for.
- We improved styling of multiple choice and multiple answer questions in the question editor.
- We enabled the SIS Sync to automatically create an FTP folder when users open the SIS Sync screen in a domain that is configured for a sync.
- We fixed a bug that caused users to be taking to Home when selecting the warning link rather than the prerequisite activity if the activity was set to open in a new window.
- We fixed a bug that sometimes caused users to be taken to Home when selecting anchor tags in assessment templates.
- We fixed a bug in the Objective-Set Tree screen in the admin app that prevented the Subject picker from populating the set's subjects.
- We fixed a bug caused the browser to stop responding when users opened the Calendar after opening the rich-text-editor draw tool.
- We fixed some alignment and highlighting styling issues in rubrics.
- We fixed a bug that prevented a customer application name from displaying.
- We fixed a bug that caused spacing between multiple choice labels and options to be deleted in assessments.
- We fixed a bug in the Manage groups screen that prevented the display of groups with long names.
- We fixed a bug that caused some embedded iframes in managed content to display with a width of 0, making the content appear invisible.
- We fixed a bug in the Activity Editor that prevented Google docs from launching when playing an activity when users switched from an LTI activity to the Google doc.
- We fixed a bug that prevented users from viewing some content.
- We fixed a bug that caused users to be taken to the Home page rather than the prerequisite activity when selecting the warning link if the activity was set to open in a new window.
September 1, 2020
- We temporarily removed inaccurate assessment submission dates from some assessments.
- We fixed a bug that prevented teachers from entering grades for manually graded assessment items.
- We fixed a bug that prevented assessment submission score denominators and percentages in some courses from displaying when quick checks were submitted with all incorrect answers.
August 20, 2020
- We fixed a bug that prevented users with the new Corporate Principal role from accessing the Student Log.
- We added warning text and a confirmation checkbox to the confirmation prompt when deleting domains, courses, and users.
- We added a validation option to the SIS Sync screen for users to validate OneRoster .zip files before running the sync.
- We improved tabbing navigation for assessment questions in the Grade editor.
- We added the ability to hide the SIS Sync menu (with XML).
- We fixed a bug that sometimes caused the SIS Sync to time out.
- We fixed a bug that allowed activities marked hidden from students to be visible when teachers viewed as a student.
- We enabled the icon picker for choosing icons in domain settings to open below the field, to accommodate small screen sizes.
- We fixed a bug in the Syllabus that caused folders dragged from My library into a Choice folder to duplicate activities in the folder.
- We fixed a bug that sometimes prevented activity time from being recorded when users closed the browser without selecting the STOP button.
- We fixed a bug in the teacher course Gradebook that sometimes prevented the needs-grading icon from clearing when teachers quick-edited a score.
- We removed an extraneous scrollbar in the dropbox comments editor. We improved Objective Mastery Gradebook styling to accommodate objectives with long IDs.
- We added the ability to hide the LTI settings card in the user's Settings screen.
- We fixed a bug that caused the TextHelp menu to display on the Editor screen when teachers previewed an activity from the Editor and selected the TextHelp icon.
- We fixed a bug that caused users to be taken to a blank, uneducable area of the screen rather than the dialog buttons when selecting Print from the student Gradebook.
- We added a message to notify users attempting to load Final grades containing no data that there is no data to display.
- We fixed a bug that prevented users from filtering students when printing assessments for Publish Anywhere.
- We added hideSisSync=""true"" to the feature element in domains' application settings:
<feature hideSisSync=""true"" />
August 19, 2020
- We fixed a bug that caused LiveLesson sessions to crash.
August 13, 2020
- We retired the old Activity Player and its accompanying feature switch, so all students now use the new Activity Player.
- We added a new Manage subscriptions permission to the Domain Permissions screen.
- We enhanced the Admin app to remove leading and trailing white-space characters from External ID fields of all entities (e.g., domains, courses, users, objectives, and enrollments) when users edit them.
- We retired the old Syllabus Editor and its accompanying feature switch, so course authors will only use the new Syllabus Editor.
- We darkened the red color for below-passing scores, overdue assignments, and other alert text.
- We enabled the Personal note-taking feature by default for all domains.
- We enabled the Student blackout dates feature by default for all domains.
- We added a You've been excused from this activity message next to the Submit button in the Activity Player > Submission card after students are excused, also adding score-status text such as Excused or Submitted next to the score.
- We enabled the Submit my work button to display as Resubmit my work when students have already submitted the work.
- We fixed a bug that prevented users from accessing toolbar buttons by tabbing with the keyboard when in List view.
- We fixed a bug in the Edit SIS settings that prevented role pickers from displaying the role changes made in the current session without a manual refresh.
- We fixed a bug that prevented the Enable browse button in the Activity Player from enabling browsing for Sharable Content Object (SCO) activities.
- We enabled the Clipboard > Quick list to accommodate long list names.
We improved toolbar usability for the Send mail > Message editor.
- We fixed a bug that caused missing scrollbars in the Resource Library Welcome Page and the Welcome Page editor.
- We fixed a bug in the Activity Player that erroneously caused the Remove activity button to display for Caretakers and Learning Coaches.
- We fixed a bug in blogs and journal activities that caused the New post button to erroneously display for Caretakers and Learning Coaches.
- We fixed a bug that prevented Caretakers and Learning Coaches from navigating to announcement details from a student's activity stream.
- We improved the activity layout for Digital library preview.
- We fixed a bug that caused Course icons to overlap when course nicknames were too long.
August 3, 2020
- We fixed a bug that prevented interactive content from displaying in some courses for users when using Firefox browsers.
July 13, 2020
- We removed Khan Academy content from the Digital Library.
- We enabled the Enter key to initiate searches in the Digital Library.
- We added a Draw and Advanced image editing tool to the rich text editor.
- We increased the Buzz user report max from 1,000 users to 10,000 for Admin app > Reports > User activity > Domain user activity > Filter the data > Maximum number of users.
- We added a discussion board option allowing teachers to require students to post a message before they can view others’ posts.
- We changed the title of the Domain Settings > LTI credentials card to Domain Settings > LTI 1.1 tools. We fixed a bug that prevented Choice folder settings from being retained when duplicating a folder in Editor > Syllabus.
- We fixed a bug in the Editor that prevented current, highlighted activities from displaying when users returned to a filtered Activity list.
- We improved usability of the upload image screen.
- We fixed a bug that prevented cards on the Calendar > Blackout dates editor from adjusting to accommodate new dates without users refreshing. We added a missing tooltip to the Remove activity icon button in the Clipboard.
- We fixed a bug in the Domain Settings that sometimes prevented the Add dialog box from opening when users selected the Add in the Scoring objectives card.
- We fixed a bug that caused the filter bar to be cut off in the Editor > Activity list when the screen width was restricted.
- We enhanced the new Editor to remember previously set Activity list filters when returning from an edited activity.
- We added the following warning message when users change filename extensions when uploading course resource files: "If you change the file-name extension, the file may become unusable."
- We fixed a bug that sometimes prevented users from exporting course Gradebooks.
- We fixed a bug that caused the Print dialog box to remain open after timed assessments' time expired.
- We fixed a bug in the Admin app that caused text to overlap in the Add objective dialog.
- We added required-field validations to the Move enrollment and Move domain dialog boxes.
- We fixed a typo in the Objective map list page.
- We fixed a bug that sometimes caused a non-normalized URL to be sent to Google Analytics (e.g. /student/12345678/activity/abc123 instead of /student/:enrollmentid/activity/:itemid).
- We fixed a bug in the Editor > Syllabus that prevented users from using the Move To function to move activities into selected empty folders.
- We fixed a bug in the Activity Gradebook that caused the settings screen to briefly display the previously visited screen when users edited HTML metadata.
- We fixed a bug that prevented image tools from displaying in an Activity editor rich text editor when users switched from rich text editor full-screen mode.
- We fixed a bug that prevented image tools from displaying in an Metadata card of the Activity editor for rich text metadata.
- We fixed a bug that caused overlapping and misalignment of fields on the Landing page.
- We fixed a bug that that prevented admins from editing Gradebook settings from the Student Gradebook > For Me screen.
June 29, 2020
- We fixed a bug that prevented users from accessing some external content from links within courses.
- We enabled the total elapsed time to display on some assessments in Pearson Connexus for users who do not have scoring permission.
June 23, 2020
- We added a Calendar tab to the Users screen of the admin app for viewing students' calendars.
- We updated the various screens with filters to use outline styles around the filter box.
- We added a search progress indicator when returning course enrollment results in the Editor > Viewing as feature, so teachers know when the results are complete.
- We improved validation of range values for question variables in the Assessment editor.
- We fixed a typo in the empty state message for the Domain > Roles screen.
- We removed scrollbars that erroneously display in Editor dialogs accessed with Safari browsers.
- We added the missing tooltip of the Remove button on the Student Reports screen.
- We fixed a bug that caused objective links to display twice in the Student Objective Mastery screen.
- We improved the filter bar on the Community resource library results page.
- We added Choice activities to the Activity list tab of the Editor.
- We increased the Metadata rich-text editor height to prevent the add link popup from being cut off.
- We fixed a bug that prevented the "Please wait message while the file is uploaded" message from displaying when users added a file-attachment activity.
- We fixed a bug that prevented users from previewing choice activities from the Activity Editor.
- We fixed a bug that prevented Journal activities from displaying in the Syllabus Editor > Preview function.
- We fixed a bug that prevented non-breaking spaces from correctly displaying in Math assessments.
June 9, 2020
- We enabled teachers to view the amount of time the student spent taking an assessment when grading the assessment.
- We added student name to the grading view of some assessments in Connexus.
June 3, 2020
- We added a hint to the recipients field for Send mail and Clipboard messages explaining that a personal email message will be sent to each recipient, and an individual recipient cannot see other recipients who received this message.
- We replaced the Delete button with a garbage can icon in the User notes tool.
- We made the following improvements to how Past-due activities are managed:
The To-do List now displays activities with due dates in several additional scenarios, including activities that have been allowed a retry and the due date or grace period has not expired, and activities that have been automatically assigned a zero for being past due, but the student can still complete the activity because the grace period has not expired.
All gradable activities are now displayed in the student’s To-do List (previously, only specific activity types were displayed).
The course setting When auto-generating due dates, provide less time for activities that require only viewing now applies to all non-gradable activities.
- We enabled teachers to clear students' automatically-assigned zero regardless of the due date. Previously, if a course was configured to Automatically assign zero scores to past-due activities the teacher could not clear the student’s zero unless they also changed the student’s due date so it was no longer in the past.
- We improved the question summary layout for Practice questions activities.
- We enabled the Activity changes toolbar to accommodate courses with long names.
- We improved the Domain settings > Menu override dialog layout by showing the icon picker above the menu icon field.
- We added range validation to the Weights field in Objective mapping to ensure the entered number is between 0-1.
- We changed the display of selected students in the Clipboard, displaying the student name on the first line and the course title on the second to accommodate longer names and titles.
- We fixed a bug that caused long course titles to overlap with student names when users selected students/domains/courses on Reports screens.
- We added the ability for all domains to monitor Pearson Connexus website traffic with Google Analytics.
- We enabled the student To-do List to display activities' status, allowing students to determine if an activity is on their list because it has a retry allowed.
- We improved Activity Player usability, changing the Back button from an X to a back arrow.
- We added a Google Analytics custom dimension for the currently authenticated User ID.
- We added the ability for organizations who host their own Pearson Connexus instance to:
Enable Google Tag Manager in their instance.
Include a canonical URL for search-engine optimization.
- We improved editing of teacher feedback templates.
- We added a missing tooltip to the Remove feedback button in the Question editor.
- We updated Domain settings to not automatically apply Font Awesome Regular (`far`) font set to custom menu icons.
- We fixed a bug that prevented some WebMail messages from displaying in the Student Activity Tracker.
June 2, 2020
- Pearson Connexus Users Can Now Access Edgenuity
We enabled users to access Edgenuity content directly from Pearson Connexus. Users can select Edgenuity links within course content and are redirected to the Edgenuity website without additional sign-in required.
- We made updates to ensure users can access the Enrollments/Academic Dashboard after the Chrome 83 browser update.
- We fixed a bug on the Enrollments page that prevented users from being taken to the Gradebook when selecting objective ID links.
May 29, 2020
- We added the date and time of submission to some assessments.
May 26, 2020
- We made updates to ensure users can access the Student Performance Dashboard after the Chrome 83 browser update.
May 22, 2020
- We improved Domain settings usability of several fields on the following cards by replacing open entry fields with checkboxes, dropdowns, pickers, and previews:
Learning Standards
- We added support for the role attribute in the <studentGradebookDashboard> override-list entry in Domain settings.
- We fixed a bug that prevented student Blog post counts from updating when students added posts or when a grader deleted a student post.
- We fixed a bug that caused the Activity instructions rich-text editor to cover the bottom of the Content card. We fixed a bug that caused only the first page of assessments to print.
- We fixed a bug that caused the User metadata checkbox to display as unselected even when it was selected and displaying the appropriate results.
- We fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the self-assessment button's tooltip from updating when users switched courses.
- We fixed a bug that caused the Self-assign button to display in students' Past courses.
May 20, 2020
- We fixed a bug that prevented LiveTutor links from displaying for some users.
May 14, 2020
We updated the Student Activity Tracker Log with the following:
- Limited the number and type of log entries to 50 that initially display.
- Added a Load More Entries option for users to load more than the first 50 entries.
- Added an Include WebMail box that will display all log types.
May 13, 2020
- We enabled students to create their own Blackout dates in Continuous enrollment courses, which will be ignored by suggested deadlines. These Blackout dates will apply to all of the student's enrollments.
- We made the following Domain settings usability improvements:
Enhanced the Editor card to show multi-pick selectors instead of simple input fields when defining Hidden activity types and Required domain rights.
Added a warning for insecure states ("http" instead of "https") for Landing-content URLs, Library Extension URLs, and Login Redirect URLs.
Added an input hint and validation for the Levels input field on the Activity metadata editor. - We updated the Gradebook footer:
Selecting Missing launches a dialog that lists students who have not submitted the activity.
Selecting Low scores launches a dialog that lists students who have below-passing scores on the activity.
Selecting any of the following launches the Editor: Score entry, Points, Grading scale, Category, Period, Available date, Due date, Grade-release date. - We fixed a bug in the Messages section of Clipboard that prevented users from adding activities links in the rich-text editor when creating messages for the entire class.
- We fixed a bug that prevented drill-in filter bar animations from displaying in the following tabs: People, Course Gradebook, and the Multi-Outcome Scoring Course Gradebooks > Students, Activities, and For Me.
- We updated the filter-by-course button on the Needs grading toolbar to allow lengthier course names.
May 11, 2020
- We fixed a bug that prevented teachers from accessing My Pearson Training (MPT).
April 27, 2020
- We fixed a bug in the Confirm button of the enrollment confirmation email that caused Caretakers to be taken to the Connections Academy registration page rather than the Log In page.
April 23, 2020
- We added a Find activity search to the Gradebook.
- We fixed a bug that caused an unable to navigate window to display when users selected the For Me activity link in the row Course Gradebook summary.
- We fixed a bug that prevented Google Chrome version 81 users from recording audio and video.
April 16, 2020
- We fixed a bug that prevented some users from accessing Student Logs in the Student Activity Tracker.
April 14, 2020
- We fixed a bug hat prevented users from creating logs in the Student Activity Tracker.
- We added a new, custom menu entry replacement variable to determine which app (student, parent, teacher, or admin) is active when the menu is launched. The variable is APP, and its possible values are student, teacher, admin, and parent.
- We fixed a bug in the Course Home page search field that prevented text from being translated if a domain's language changed.
- We fixed a bug in the Folder Home page's activity-completion field that prevented text from being translated if a domain's language changed.
Aprl 10, 2020
- New Dashboard Page and Removal of the Contact List
We made changes to the Dashboard Page to accommodate removal of the Contact List. The Dashboard now includes student overall performance for each currently enrolled class. It also provides names and emails for all people who can observe the student, such as parents, Learning Coaches, tutors, counselors, teachers, and principals.
We now recommend teachers use the People page, rather than the Contact List, for an at-a-glance view of all students in all of a teacher's assigned classes. We added an "End date" column that can be turned on/off from the page settings screen.
April 9, 2020
- We created a separate login page for Connections Academy schools that displays Connections Academy-specific links. We also updated the Pearson Connexus login page to display the correct copyright year.
- We hid the the long descriptions of non-text objects(images)from Pearson Connexus lesson content for everyday users, while still making the descriptions available to screen readers forAssistive Technology (AT) users.
- We fixed a bug on the Course Home page that caused the Current Project progress to sometimes only display a percent sign when it should display 0%.
- We fixed a bug in the Domain Settings that caused ID duplication and other unexpected behaviors with landing content in the domain and its descendant domains when users attempted to save the tenth landing-content entry.
- We updated the Gradebook to display students up to 14 days after an enrollment's end-date, which matches the behavior used throughout the platform (e.g., People tool, Clipboard, etc).
- We fixed a bug in the Activity Grader of multi-outcome scoring courses that caused the Analytics tab to erroneously display for activity types other than assessments, practice questions, and Sharable Content Objects (SCOs).
- We updated the Days field in the admin app's Create Course screen to only accept numbers.
April 7, 2020
- We fixed a bug that prevented administrators from viewing student and teacher feedback in some assessments.
March 31, 2020
- We made updates to improve accessibility.
- We fixed a bug in the new Language feature that prevented the domain details screen from loading when a language other than English was selected.
March 20, 2020
- We fixed a bug that prevented Teachers from saving scores and feedback for some assessments.
- We enabled students to take assessments up to midnight of the course's section end date to ensure all students, regardless of time zone, have the same amount of time to complete assessments.
- We added the ability to define a list of language options in Domain settings that end users can select from in the User menu.
- We added the ability to choose a default language for the app in Domain settings.
- We added the ability for the Syllabus Editor to display processing animation when duplicating activities and folders.
- We increased the maximum number of notes allowed per user from 1,000 to 2,000.
- We added the ability for the Publish Anywhere feature to exclude activities hidden from students or the table of contents when exporting packages.
- We fixed a bug in the Analytics Screen of the Activity Grader that caused inaccurate export options to display when users exported learning-objective-mastery and student-proficiency analytics.
- We improved the column layout of the Community Search table.
- We enabled the users to access the Category picker after choosing a Grading period in the Editor > Weights screen.
- We fixed a bug in the Activity Editor that prevented history from displaying for activities with read-only content.
- We fixed a bug that caused content in the Badges row of the Changes card to extend beyond the card.
- We darkened the default (blue) course color to meet Website Content Accessibility Guidelines' (WCAG's) color-contrast recommendations.
- We fixed a bug in the Course Home > Progress tooltip that caused the number of activities completed in a project to display but not the total number of activities in the project.
March 18, 2020
- We fixed a bug that caused alignment issues on the Print and Save buttons on the assessment score page accessed from the Assessment Results Manager (ARM) report.
- We applied a cumulative UX enhancement to MyPortal that:
Refocuses branding to "Connections Academy.”
Provides a friendly message to users with no application tiles.
Highlights the hyperlink to customer support.
Supports a smaller device resolution.
March 5, 2020
- We added a button to the rich-text editor for selecting font highlight colors.
- We updated the Activity Player to ensure existing does not wrap to multiple lines.
- We added a button that controls background colors to the rich-text editor.
- We fixed a bug in the rich-text editor, including the Grade Editor feedback editor, that sometimes prevented recorded audio and video controls from displaying in the editor.
- We fixed a bug that caused the Gradebook > For Me > Title column content to be clipped.
- We updated styling in the rich text editor.
- We added the ability for teachers to easily switch views in the Teacher app > Activity Player. Now, teachers can choose to view as a Teacher, a member of a specific Group, or a specific Student.
- We prevented students' past-due assessments from being automatically submitted after teachers view them in the Activity Player.
- We fixed a bug in the Clipboard that sometimes prevented Gradebook settings from being saved when activities were assigned.
- We fixed a bug in the Clipboard that sometimes prevented period settings from saving when users assigned a display grading period for non-gradable activities.
- We fixed a bug in the Editor > Weights screen that sometimes caused incorrect rolled-up category or period weights to display when users filtered by a scoring objective, then undid the filter.
- We fixed a bug that prevented some dialogs from localizing for Chinese.
- We added validation to the Gradebook display options screen that ensures a Score-display option is specified.
- We fixed a bug in the Gradebook that caused javascript errors to display when users attempted to quick edit grade non-gradable activities.
- We fixed a bug in the rich text editor that caused the Open in new tab checkbox to display when users edited course-resource links.
Pearson Connexus Launches New Enrollment System
- We introduced a new enrollment system (NES) for families enrolling their children in Connections Academy schools. The new system simplifies the enrollment process and boasts the following enhancements over the former system:
- Streamlined the document submission process by enabling faster load times for documents.
- Enhanced the Document Review process. Enrollment documents display in a new window when selected, and the system provides more descriptive updates for where customers are in the process.
- Allows customers to skip a step and jump to others if they're having trouble locating certain documents but wish to continue through enrollment. In addition, incomplete forms will display first so customers can clearly see what they need to do next.
- Enhanced notifications to help parents identify whether there are placement tasks required, encouraging parents to take action or follow up.
- Identifies student eligibility during enrollment.
- Gives staff the ability to indicate whether an Academic Program's service area is by state or by zip code.
- Flags potential duplicate records to ensure data reliability.
- Promotes self-service by linking help documentation to enrollment steps. Provides parents the ability to chat with Enrollment Staff in real-time. Allows parents to request help online via a ticketing system.
- Allows families with multiple students enrolling to share household forms.
- Provides new reporting capability that allows School Principals to identify any student in the enrollment process who requires their review.
- Auto Assigns lead records created in NES from various channels to a corporate staff member (Family Enrollment Counselor) who will work with assigned families throughout the enrollment process.
March 4, 2020
- We enhanced the layout for linked-question score settings.
- We fixed a bug in the Activity Editor that caused focus to go to the Wiki tabs instead of the Activity Title field when users edited a wiki activity.
- We fixed a bug in the Calendar that caused blackout dates excluded in a course to display for the course.
- We fixed a bug in the Clipboard that caused assigned non-gradable activities for a grading period to erroneously display in the first period.
- We fixed a bug in the Clipboard that sometimes caused Gradebook settings to be incorrectly applied, resulting in errors when users edited the settings or assigned a student score.
- We enhanced the For Me grades screen, allowing users to select status cells for grading activities.
- We fixed a bug that caused an 'eval' function to display rather than the evaluated response for math fill-in-the-blank questions.
February 29, 2020
We created a new Student Contact Log user interface, which can be accessed by Partner Schools via MyPortal, that will allow staff to:
- Search for students by school location
- Search for student enrollments by class
- View student log entries
- View student and Caretaker information
February 27, 2020
- We edited the student print function in Next Generation assessments such as the new Earth Science courses. Edits include the following:
- Improved visual display and alignment for the print button.
- Improved page break functionality to limit the number of pages necessary to print an assessment.
February 21, 2020
- We updated the Activity Editor to validate that survey activities provide a defined launch URL.
- We updated the dropdown menu functionality and label within the Import Scores screen to specify the data field as a letter grade when importing.
- We updated Domain Settings to report errors when users attempt to save invalid XML (e.g., smart quotation marks) when editing.
- We added an X icon next to activities that are excluded from final-grade calculations in the Student > Grades screen. For activities with scores dropped from final grade calculation, we changed the icon from X to a down-arrow in a circle.
- We added a Peer Feedback tab to the student grade details screen that allows students to review feedback left by classmates.
- We clarified the status-message wording in the Blackout dates card on the Course Settings screen.
- We improved the Activity Editor > POSTparameter details popup window by validating that the parameter has a name.
- We fixed a bug in the question editor that sometimes prevented the formatting toolbar from displaying when users selected a question with HTML formatting.
- We fixed a bug in the Add Project wizard popup window that caused group-settings controls to be visible even when the Groups feature was disabled.
- We fixed a bug in the Import Scores wizard that caused fields to incorrectly display in the Map columns step for activities without titles.
- We fixed a bug in Import Screens (e.g., Scores, Users, Courses) that caused imported CSV files to appear on line one only and prevented users from adding additional lines using the Enter key.
- We fixed a bug that prevented text wrapping from working for titles in the Clipboard/Badges screen in Edge and Safari browsers.
- We fixed a bug in Domain Settings that erroneously allowed users to enter invalid numbers for the Editor > Require rights field.
- We fixed a bug in the Activity History page that prevented activities linked from other courses from displaying the other courses' titles when users changed the activity.
- We fixed a bug in Editor > Weights that sometimes caused the column order to change when users switched periods in the toolbar.
- We added Title and Due date headers to the left panel in the Editor > Scheduling > Syllabus view.
- We fixed a bug in the Editor > Syllabus that caused focus to be lost when users selected the Expand/Collapse button on the Objectives panel.
- We fixed a bug in the rich-text editor's Insert Image dialog box that prevented .jfif files from displaying when users browsed for images.
- We fixed a bug in the Assessment Player that caused some accent characters to display as HTML in inline-multiple-choice questions.
- We fixed a bug that prevented the Assessment toolbar buttons from displaying.
- We fixed a bug in the People page that prevented users from sorting by Enrollment end date after they had sorted once.
- We fixed a bug that caused users to be taken to the Teacher Home screen after saving Display options on the People page in the Manage enrollments screen.
- We fixed a bug in the Grade Editor that prevented the overall score box from updating as the user modified a question score in a Custom Assessment, even though the overall score had changed.
- We fixed a bug in the Grading Scheme Editor and Export Scores screens that caused long activity names to overlap.
- We fixed a bug that caused the rich text editors, including the Dropbox submission comments editor, to appear as if drag-and-drop of PDF files were possible from users' local computers.
- We fixed a bug that sometimes prevented users from viewing rubrics for linked activities.
February 19, 2020
- We fixed a bug that prevented students from viewing some interaction questions in assessments.
- We fixed a bug that prevented students' Earth Science assessment scores from updating in student Gradebooks.
February 14, 2020
- We fixed a bug that prevented the parameter name from being a required field on the Survey parameter details editor.
- We improved the Import Scores column format detection by ignoring empty cells in the input CSV data.
- We improved the drag/drop tool in the Editor > Weights tool. Now, when users drag and drop an activity from one category to another, the first category remains expanded, allowing the user to easily drag another.
February 13, 2020
- We added the ability for permitted users to access the Student Log through a tile on the MyPortal page.
February 5, 2020
- We moved the option to Require passing score if gradable for mastery to the Visibility and access card in Activity editor. This checkbox previously appeared a step later, in the Choose Activity dialog; it displays only when activity restrictions are enabled.
- We prevented point fields from using a browser's auto-complete function.
- We added an option for Admins to automatically allow retries on auto-zeroed activities when extending student enrollment in courses.
- We added the column option "Enrollment End Date" to the People Page.
- We fixed a bug in the Assessment Activity Editor that caused the Question links > Points and Question bank > Points (per question) fields to display a point value when none had been set.
- We fixed a bug in the Move enrollment and Other reports > Course picker dialog boxes that caused unsubscribed courses to display as possible destinations for the enrollment.
- We fixed a bug in the Editor that prevented videos from playing if users dragged and dropped the video file from the Resources panel to the Syllabus.
- We fixed a bug in the Editor > Syllabus that caused the More menu to immediately close after users selected it.
- We fixed a bug in the Editor that prevented the Syllabus screen from automatically scrolling to display activities that were the focus of a search.
- We fixed a bug in the Editor > Weights screen that prevented updates to activity weights from saving.
February 4, 2020
- We improved the functionality of the One Roster Tool. In this release the following enhancements were made:
- Added the ability to align teachers/admins to more than one school, by comma-separated values. Invalid values will cause the entire row to be skipped and an error message will display.
- Removed case sensitivity, so errors will not be generated based on character case.
- Changed the handling of existing users without external IDs. Now, if users’ first and last names match but lack an external ID, a new user account is not created; rather, an external ID is added to the Pearson LMS. This will prevent accidental creation of duplicate users.
- Added the ability to updated Pearson LMS user account status based on SIS user.csv file status.
- Updated users.csv file rules, removing the error message reporting for the student role, removing validation on metadata except character length and regex, and discontinued overwriting customer-added metadata when there are empty values in the users.csv file.
- Added the ability to process multiple schools with thousands of users each night.
January 28, 2020
- We fixed a bug that caused teacher information to erroneously display on the Student Contact List.
- We created new single and group student log entry pages for entering data in the Student Contact Log. Now, users are able to:
- Enter data for a single student and select appropriate household and class information, and
- Enter data for a group of students.
- We fixed a bug in the Contact List that caused the course end date to display under the End Date column rather than the Enrollment end date.
- We fixed a bug that caused inaccurate autograded assessment scores to display for the new Earth Science course in students’ Grade Books.
January 23, 2020
- The Teacher Dashboard is back, and we have updated the Teacher Responsiveness metric on the Teacher Dashboard for Partner programs only. For other users, the default settings remain. Now, Partner Programs metrics are as follows:
- Green - graded all submitted, gradable items within 4 (default=2)days or less.
- Yellow - one or more submitted, gradable items have gone (default=3) 5 or more days ungraded.
- Red - one or more submitted, gradable items have gone 8 (default=6) or more days ungraded.
- We added error messages to the Course Settings editor that explain the errors that users must correct before they are able to Save changes.
- We added auto-refreshing to the Course Gradebook when removing tasks assigned to whole courses so the task no longer displays in the Gradebook.
- We fixed a styling issue that prevented Full-width display from displaying in full width when users embedded content as part of multiple-choice answer options.
- We fixed a bug that caused additional decimal points to display in partial scores on practice questions.
- We fixed a bug that caused group features to display on the Clipboard and People pages when admins disabled the Groups feature.
- We fixed a bug in the Admin Resources tool that sometimes caused an empty screen to display when users selected XML files.
- We fixed a bug that prevented images in activity metadata from displaying when previewed in the Community.
- We fixed a bug in the Digital Library that caused My Library to display when the experimental Community tool was not enabled.
- We fixed a bug that prevented users from adding special characters in the width field after they selected the Insert Media button.
- We fixed a bug that erroneously allowed the Folder is a Project setting to be available when the Projects feature was disabled.
- We fixed a bug in the Agenda and Landing screen editors that caused the screen to scroll to the top of the page when users inserted links below the page scroll.
- We fixed a bug in some Editor dialog boxes that caused the Cancel button to be pushed offscreen by overly long folder names.
- We added missing tooltips and WAI-ARIA (Web Accessibility Initiative - Access Rich Internet Application) labels to the Course Editor tool.
- We removed an unnecessary scrollbar in Due Date editor dialog that opens from the Group settings editor.
- We updated the Editor > Scheduling tab to retain dates selected in editable fields when users leave the fields, then return to them.
- We updated styles for Bulk Activity Editor, adding space between options and the confirmation checkbox.
- We fixed a bug in the People tool that sometimes prevented the Today column from displaying correct data.
- We fixed a bug in Final Grades that sometimes caused an incorrect student list to display when users filtered final grades by group in another course.
- We improved handling of enrollment-specific, non-gradable activities in the Activity grader and Gradebook.
- We fixed a bug that prevented the Play, Record, and Insert buttons from working when users paused videos during replay, then finished replaying.
- We removed the Pearson Connexus Record option from mobile devices. Now, users will only have access to the built-in options on their devices.
- We fixed a bug that allowed users to select a period for activities in folders even when the setting Inherit grading period from topmost folder was enabled.
- We updated the Gradebook to display correct letter grades for unscored activities with Treat as zero in gradebook until this activity is scored enabled.
- We enhanced the Grade Editor to show unscored entries as empty so users can choose a letter to assign a score.
- We fixed a styling issue on the Final Grades page that caused the Grading scheme dropdown menu to be pushed offscreen.
- We fixed a bug that caused an "Unable to navigate" message to display when users chose Dashboard from the QuickNav tool.
- We fixed a bug in the For Me activity Gradebook settings that prevented rubrics from saving for all students.
- We fixed a bug in the student Grades page that sometimes prevented self-assessment indicators from displaying.
January 16, 2020
- We changed user interface styles in CheckMyWork.
- We added the ability for teachers and admins to print submitted assessments within the Earth Science Pilot Course in both Connexus and Pearson Connexus. The printed assessment will contain student answers as well as any feedback.
January 13, 2020
- We added the ability to provide students with individualized due dates for activities with course due dates. Teachers can now modify due dates for individuals to account for things like IEPs or personal circumstances. Now, allowing retries on activities with an expired due date prompts teachers to modify the due date for that student.
- We added a student names to the Student > Grades screen.
- We improved the user interface for defining People Display Options.
- We added two new auto-complete course enrollment options to the Course Settings tool:
A Require retries to be completed checkbox.
The ability select more than one category for the Automatic when all activities in these categories are complete option.
- [New Editor Only] We removed the phrase “formerly Homework” from the Practice questions activity label in the new Course Editor.
- We fixed a bug in User Display options that caused the points selection to populate when users selected other display options.
- We updated the Teacher > Communication tool to show announcements as read when filtering messages by course.
- We fixed a bug in the Teacher > Communication screen that caused announcement details to sometimes remain on screen after the announcement had been deleted.
- We fixed a bug that sometimes caused filter selections to be disregarded when users made Bulk edit updates.
- We fixed a bug in the Grade Editor that sometimes caused SCO and LTI content to display as collapsed.
- We fixed a bug in the Unit Summary Screen that prevented the Select All checkbox from being deselected when users cleared the filter.
- We fixed a bug that caused content from the What If calculator to overlap with the header toolbar on iPads with Safari browsers.
- We fixed a bug that prevented the Click here to view feedback activity-stream link from working for some students.
- We fixed a bug that prevented teachers from viewing student activity stream feedback.
- We fixed a bug that sometimes prevented users from navigating to Choice folders from the Unit Summary screen.
- We updated Number fields in the Assessment > Fill-in-the-blank question type to ensure only numerical values can be entered.
- We fixed a bug that caused additional space to be added at the end of fill-in-the-blank questions.
- We fixed a bug in assessment templates with multiple question substitutions on the same line to display substitutions for only the last question in the line.
- We fixed a bug in the Discussion Board that prevented users from accessing newly created threads.
- We fixed a bug in QuickNav that erroneously caused Grade results to display when users searched for a teacher enrollment using a User ID.
- We fixed a bug in the Digital Library that caused a Please Wait message to indefinitely display when users attempted to add an empty folder to their cart.
- We updated Domain Settings to immediately display newly assigned badge images.
- We fixed a bug that caused integer entries to display as decimals in the Passing Score field.
- We fixed a bug that prevented uploaded IMS Package activities from displaying without manual refresh.
- We fixed a bug that prevented IMS Packages from importing into the selected grading period.
- We fixed a bug in the Editor > Syllabus that prevented users from removing a choice activity from folders that did not have other activities.
- We fixed a bug in the Editor > Group settings tab that prevented teachers from editing activities for specific groups.
- We updated the Editor > Add item window to truncate long titles.
- We fixed a bug that prevented changes to activities in other periods from displaying in the Syllabus for courses with periods.
- We fixed a bug that caused an About Pearson Connexus pop-up window to remain open after users clicked Logout.
- We fixed a bug in the New Editor that prevented the override user settings from functioning for Badges, Objective mastery, and Editor side panels when a domain had disabled those features.
- We fixed a bug in the People tool that caused the visible-columns picker to include disabled columns.
- We fixed a bug that caused the Grade Editor > Objectives tab to sometimes display a No data to display message when objective data existed.
- We fixed a bug in QuickNav that erroneously cause results to display for Task folders and Choice activities.
- We fixed a bug that prevented the teacher Dashboard screen from displaying in QuickNav results.
- We fixed a bug that caused disabled menu items to display in QuickNav results.
- We fixed a bug that caused a No activities found message to sometimes display when there were activities.
- We fixed a bug that caused My Library to display in student Digital Library searches.