October 2024
- Added an option to include non-gradable activities from continuous courses on the student’s Calendar and To-do list.
- Changing this can take 10 minutes to be reflected.
- Updated Buzz to handle the inclusion of an unexpected ‘term’ property when calling ‘updateenrollments.’
- Updated toggle styles in Buzz to show a checkmark next to the selected toggle option. (Angular Material Components update)
- Enabled domains with SpeechStream configurations to use SpeechStream inside all Custom Activities in the domain that are SCORM activities.
- Fixed an issue in the Grade editor where the Insert template toolbar button would sometimes not appear in the Message editor the first time you opened the Grade editor.
- Fixed an issue in the Create new course wizard where querying for a course by ID would not display the course metadata.
- Fixed an issue in the Grade editor where editing a Message and then collapsing the score panel would cause your message edits to be lost.
- Fixed an issue where formative assessments may not correctly calculate the student’s objective mastery.
- We fixed a styling issue in which the text for toolbar dropdown buttons was displayed in black for some themes when it should have been in white.
- We fixed an issue where messages with wide tables or images could get cut off in Grade details and the Grade editor.
- Updated the Proxy tool to ensure that when administrators view a user’s new Announcements or unread messages in the Inbox, Grade details, or Grade editor, Buzz no longer marks those announcements or messages as read.
- Fixed an issue where observers could not see some user profile pictures in the Inbox.
- Fixed an issue in the Grade editor where the navigation toggle button in the mobile responsive layout didn’t work in iOS.
- Fixed an issue in the Grade editor > Messages editor where the image editing tools were not displayed next to an inserted image.
- Fixed an issue in the Grade editor > Messages editor where the image editing tools would not always be displayed when the user selected an image.
- Fixed an issue in the Grade details message editor where pressing Cancel on the choose file attachment dialog would close the message editor.
- Fixed an issue with Matching drag-and-drop questions where choice targets were not maintaining the correct width.
- Fixed an issue in the Grade editor where submitting a score with a message that contained attachments but no message body would not submit the score.
- Fixed an issue in assessment questions where using LaTeX math symbols could inhibit question text from being rendered.
- Fixed an issue in the Grade editor where a teacher would get an error when trying to send a first message to a recipient with non-active enrollments.
September 2024
Renamed the Communication tool to the Announcements tool.
- Removed the extra Announcements indicator on the Home screen.
- Detailed notes - Link opens in the Agilix Help Center
- We moved the Analytics and Badges tabs to the student Dashboard tab on the Student Gradesscreen.
- Updated Buzz to use Score release date everywhere this function is referenced. Formerly, Buzz sometimes referred to it using the following:Score visibility date, Grade release date, and Score release date.
- We added the Score release date to the Grade editor screen if one is configured.
- Released to all users: Released Messages for Grade editor and Grade details, allowing teachers to send multiple feedback Messages to students at any time and making feedback Messages more visible to students.
- Changed the Has feedback tooltip to Has messages in the Gradebook, Grades screens, and Grade editor.
- Detailed notes- Link opens in the Agilix Help Center
- When you picked a Google document for the activity content, we resolved a layout styling issue in the Activity Content editor.
- We fixed an issue in the Activity editor: Activity-template HTML content was editable in derivative courses configured not to allow content edits.
- We fixed an issue in the Pending scores screen. Depending on your computer's time zone setting, the Score release date may have been displayed as off by one day.
- We updated the downloadable reports in Administrator > Domain > Active enrollment summary to include enrollments that remainedactive for 14 days after the enrollment ended, matching the dashboard's display.
- Previously, it included them for 90 days after the enrollment ended, while the dashboard included them for only 14 days.
August 2024
- Added a Domain enrollment activity report to User Activity reports.
Note: If the activity has occurred concerning items that have been deleted (enrollments, users, activities, or courses), the activity is still reported, but the cells for some identifying values associated with the deleted items (e.g., course titles, activity IDs, etc.) will be empty.
- Clarified the descriptive text for the User Activity reports.
- Added an option to the Domain settings > Authentication card that allows administratorsto Share SAML configuration with subdomains.
- Administrators can now spend less time configuring SAML SSO with the new Share SAML configuration with subdomains option in Domain settings. When multiple schools use the same Identify Provider (IdP), administrators can configure SAML on a district domain and let each school subdomain use the same configuration instead of having to configure it for each school individually.
- Updated the Add question button to show a menu of all question types so users can more easily choose the kind of question they want to add.
- We updated the order of question types to reflect the most used at the top and added icons next to each.
- We enhanced the Share SAML configuration with subdomains (Authentication > SAML) to automatically redirect users to their own domain when logging into a different domain with the same shared SAML configuration. This allows students to log in from their district’s domain but, once logged in, see their own school’s domain.
- We updated the Tofield in the Send mail dialog to include the course title with the Students, Teachers, and Graders and Students, Teachers, and Graders options when they’re used.
- [Browser specific] Resolved an issue with the drag-and-drop function for course activities in the Editor > Syllabus tab when using Chrome.
- Before fix: When using Chrome, after the user starts dragging the item, they must click again to drop it.
- We fixed an issue where the field label for entity selectors wouldn’t always appear for users.
- Before fix: To recreate
- Change the language to Spanish
- Open Admin > More menu > Applied Domain settings
- Click Compare with domain.
- Notice that the “Domain” label doesn’t appear in the entity selector.
- We updated the Enrollment completion setting Automatic when all gradable activities are complete to disregard gradable activities that are set to be excluded from the final-grade calculation for the course.
- Previously, if a student had completed all activities but these, their enrollment would not be automatically completed.
- We have resolved an issue with attempting to add or edit a Rubric for Essay questions or add Companion material to a question.
- We fixed an issue with using the Send mail button.Course activity links are set to open with a quick return.
- When you picked a Google document for the activity content, we resolved a layout styling issue in the Activity Content editor.
July 2024
- We updated the message in the Teacher > Grade editor > Content tab for LTI activities to direct teachers to use LTI links to review student submissions.
- Before update: The message read “No content to display.”
- After update: The message now directs users to click the link to see content.
- We enhanced the Clipboard's Student, Quick list, and Group selectors to organize students and course groups by course, making it easier to find students and groups.
- Before update:
- After update:
- We fixed an issue where if a teacher granted a Retry for an assessment and adjusted its Due date, Buzz would immediately submit the assessment if the student retried it without logging out and back in first. Buzz now honors the new Due date without requiring the student to log out and back in first.
- We removed an unnecessary scrollbar from the Insert YouTube popup window.
- Before fix:
- After fix:
- Fixed an issue in Domain Settings where uploading a SAML Identity provider XML file that contained a nested EntityDescriptor element would incorrectly report the file as invalid.
June 2024
- Updated color styles for rich text editors to match a dark color scheme.
- Fixed an issue in Domain Settings where entering the & character in a Publish Anywhere Platform title or an LTI 1.3 tool name would cause the respective definition not to be saved.
- Fixed a border spacing issue in screens using tables where a small gap was appearing between cells.
Before fix: This small space appeared between cells (we changed the color around the space to red to emphasize the space).
- Resolved an issue in the Assessment question editor with incorrectly rendering equations in questions with dark text color when using a Dark color scheme.
Before fix: When editing a question in a Dark color scheme, equations would appear dark.
After fix: Equations appear light in a Dark color scheme.
- Fixed an issue in the Upload resource dialog where opening the system file picker dialog and pressing cancel would incorrectly disable the Upload button in Buzz.
- Fixed a keyboarding issue in the Activity grader when using the Quick-edit grader.
Before fix: Users had to click into or hit enter in a cell to enter data.
After fix: Users can tab into a cell and start entering data.
- Improved Buzz keyboard interactions on screens with grid data to conform better to the W3C accessibility guidelines.
Grid (Interactive Tabular Data and Layout Containers) Pattern:https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/grid/
- Added ungrouped Feedback templates to a collapsable group at the top of the template list to make selecting templates from the groups below them easier.
- Resolved an issue in the Editor > Syllabus where all activities within a folder would not appear after zooming in using the browser zoom.
This can be recreated by opening a folder in the Editor > Syllabus screen, zooming to 67% or lower, and returning to 100%. The activity at the bottom of the folder can disappear when zoomed in and remains missing at 100%.
- Updated Gradebook > Sync grades to report an error when sync fails.
- Updated keyboard interactions to better conform to the W3C accessibility guidelines for table data.
Grid (Interactive Tabular Data and Layout Containers) Pattern:https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/grid/
- Added the ability for content-template authors to includereplaceable images in their templates.
- Fixed an issue where Weekly Notification digests may incorrectly include Nighty Notifications.
- Fixed an issue where Lessons would sometimes be incorrectly counted in a student’s progress.
- Fixed an issue with navigating Buzz with a keyboard, where the Skip top navigation button wasn’t working.
Nothing would happen when the button was selected.
- Updated template assessment printing to prevent the last questions from getting clipped.
- Resolved a style issue and provided a better Dark color scheme table header background for tables provided in assessment question content.
- Fixed an issue where image thumbnails were missing in the image-picker selection list.
May 2024
- Fixed a style issue on the Calendar > Due date scheduler screen where some column headers were getting clipped.
Before fix:
After fix:
- Fixed an issue where students and teachers could not navigate to the Announcements tool.
- Widened the Grade details screen to use more horizontal space.
- Removed the Batch-update grading button that was erroneously appearing on the Teacher > Student grades toolbar in Standards-based grading courses.
- Fixed an issue in theCourses > History screen where modified enrollment Start dates and End dates could display as off by 1 day, depending on the time zone setting you set on your computer.
Reproduction steps:
- Set your computer to the Pacific time zone.
- Create enrollment.
- Make changes to enrollment Start dates and End dates.
- Change your computer’s time zone to Eastern.
- In the admin app, open a course Details; notice that the dates in the Details screen and the History screen don’t match up.
- Updated the Question editor to clear any selections made in a question's Interaction > Attach to passage field when a user changes the question's Type to Passage from any other question Type.
- Fixed an issue where, in domains with more than 500 enrollments, the Accommodations flag wouldn’t appear with students in the Gradebook.
April 2024
- Increased the size of the Version screens in the Activity editor > History tab to better display content.
- Updated the Select students screen that appears when printing an assessment to allow filtering using the full student name.
- Fixed an issue where Buzz incorrectly displayed activity late due dates as one day later than it should have for activities allowed a grace period using days in the Activity editor > Settings > Activity settings card.
This occurred when the activity’s due date was set to be before daylight savings day (March 10), and the grace period days value extended the due date to on or after daylight savings day.
- Fixed a style issue in the Domain settings > Theme where logo image previews appeared in the top left of the field instead of being centered.
They are now centered.
- Fixed a style issue in inline Matching drag-and-drop questions where the drop target outlines were being clipped.
Before fix:
- Fixed an issue where, if a user selected a Grading period in a course, navigated to a continuous enrollment course, and then navigated back to the original course, All periods was selected for the Grading period.
Now, the current Grading period is selected on navigating back to the original course.
- Fixed an issue in the Fill in the blank question editor where adding or removing blanks would not correctly re-compute partial scores for alternative answers.
- Added a new display option to the teacher User settings > Student-name display card: Include user ID with the student name.
- Changed the Short name format option to First Name <Last initial> to better indicate what displays when that option is selected.
- Reverted to a previous behavior when previewing assessments due to an issue we discovered with a recent update. As of this release, when previewing assessments, all question feedback is shown rather than reflecting the Assessment review settings chosen for students.
- Fixed a navigation error in activity editors. If a user clicked X to exit the editor and then chose Stay in the confirmation prompt, they would be taken to the wrong page when they later exited the editor.
- Updated LTI 1.3 integrations in Course settings to support multiple Tool redirect URLs and Deep-linking redirect URLs.
- Updated the Grading period picker to retain the Grading period selected by the user until they choose another or log in for a new session, returning them to the current Grading period.
- Removed case-sensitivity from the Map columns step in the Gradebook > Import scores process, so user-identifying column headers map to their respective import columns regardless of character case.
For example user id, User ID, and User Id would now all map to the User ID column.
- Resolved an issue where the Grade editor sometimes failed to show a user’s Accommodations flag when it should.
- Resolved a style issue with truncating long student names when selecting a student in the View as student screen in the Activity player.
Before fix:
After fix:
- Resolved a style issue with truncating long course names in the Administrator > Reports > Gradebook report screen.
Before fix:
After fix:
- Fixed an issue where users could not scroll horizontally on the Teacher > Edit grouping screen.
March 2024
- Updated the Teacher > Assessment Preview to hide correct questions or correct choices, the same as for a student, if assessment settings hide them, with Display correct questions and Display correct choices set to Never in the Assessment review card.
- Updated LTI 1.3 to allow multiple Tool redirect URLs and Deep-linking redirect URLs using comma-separated lists.
- Fixed an issue in assessments where the essay question word count would not count the first word of a new paragraph of text.
- Fixed a style spacing issue in the Enroll in course screen.
This occurred in some non-English languages (Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Mongolia) when enrolling in a course from the Admin > User menu.
- Fixed a button-spacing issue in the Export analytics, Record video, and Record audio dialog boxes.
- Updated the Choose course activity dialog styles to accommodate folders and activities with long titles.
To access this from the Agenda rich text editor, click Insert link > Link to course activity.
Before fix:
After fix:
- Improved styling of the Your media content will be available soon text that appears in the rich-text editor when you upload or record audio or video.
Before fix:
After fix:
- Resolved an issue with displaying correct answers for matching categorization questions, when the assessment is set not to show correct answers.
- Fixed a style issue in the Course home > To-do list where Discussion activity icons were being clipped.
Before fix:
- Fixed an issue in the Create course screens where users couldn't save changes if they selected a School year with a long title.
The issue occurred at over 95 characters.
- Updated long School years and Activity names to truncate when necessary on import scores screens.
- Added a prompt to the Import Scores screen that appears if you attempt to navigate away from it while an import is in progress.
- Added the ability to excuse scores from the Import scores screen.
Enter an X or x for the score to excuse it.
- Fixed an issue with printing analytics when using a Dark color scheme.
We now create a white background for graphs so colors print correctly. Impacts:
- Course Gradebook - Grade Editor - Class Statistics
- Course Gradebook - Activity Grader - Analytics
- Student - Activity - Grade Details - Analytics
- Fixed an issue in Import scores where if you attempted to import a score for a previously excused activity, it would not import the score.
- Fixed an issue in Import scores where navigating from step 1, to step 2, back to step 1, and then forward to step 2 would cause the column mapping select fields to display as empty with no field selected.
- Fixed an issue in Import scores where an error indicator displayed next to the Map columns step after successfully importing some scores.
- Fixed an issue where users could not log into Buzz if Domain settings contained a School year using only numbers as the title (e.g., 2023).
- Fixed an issue in the Teacher > Activities screen where the Edit activity button would not always display correctly after previewing Choice activities.
To recreate this:
- Sign in as a teacher and open Activities.
- Select a Choice activity (notice that the Edit activity icon appears).
- Choose one of the activities to preview it, then return to the Choice activity screen (notice that the Edit activity icon no longer appears).
- Fixed an issue in the Clipboard where previewing an assessment from Supplemental material would not display the assessment’s questions.
- Fixed an issue where printing from Buzz would cut off the end of the final page.
- [Firefox] [Standards-based grading] Resolved an issue in the Course settings > Standards-based grading > Proficiency levels screen where a dot was showing on the Color selector palette.
This will only be relevant if using theStandards-based grading tool.
- Fixed an issue in the Editor > Course settings screen where users couldn't save changes if they selected a School year that had a long entry.
This issue occurred when entering a value of longer than 95 characters.
- [Edge browser] Updated the Change password field to hide a reveal password icon generated when using Edge browser.
Buzz has its own reveal password tool, so this created a duplicate.
- Updated the Main menu > Courses menu to list a past course at the top, followed by current courses listed in the order defined by the teacher.
- Updated long values in the School years field to truncate when necessary.
People, Gradebook, and Final grades screens.
- Fixed an issue where the Clear filters button on the People page overlapped the table.
- Updated long course titles in the Gradebook > Unit summary screen to truncate when necessary.
- Fixed an issue where the Scale tool and Close and Print buttons were not appearing on the Student > Grades > Printer-friendly view.
- Fixed an issue where an extra vertical scrollbar appeared in the Student > Grades > Printer-friendly view.
- Updated long student names to wrap in the Grade details, Grade editor > Score history, and Grade editor > Submission history screens when needed.
- Updated long student names to truncate on the Activity Grader Previous and Next student buttons.
After fix:
- Fixed an issue where the Gradebook > Sync grades page was not filling the whole screen.
Only relevant if usingGrade syncing.
Before fix:
After fix:
- Added Last login as a new data column in the People tool.
- Updated course titles in the Calendar screen to display truncated if they display longer than the width of the course list.
Before fix:
After fix:
- Fixed a style issue in the Clipboard > Messages screen where, a user would send a message to users enrolled in a course with a very long course title; the course title would extend beyond the recipient field.
Before fix:
After fix:
- Fixed a style issue where visual components of the Edit groupings screen were being clipped.
Before fix:
- Updated objectives to display truncated objectives aligned to activities in the Editor > Syllabus screen.
Before fix:
After fix:
- Updated course and folder titles in the Gradebook > Unit summary to display truncated if they are very long.
Before fix:
After fix:
February 2024
- Updated the Accommodations label in the User History screen to read either Individualized education program, Individualized education program file, or Individualized education program notes to indicate which part of the IEP changed for the user.
To test this:
1. In the administrator app, open the Users tool.
2. Select a student and make changes to their IEP (add comments and a file).
3. Select the History tab for that student (last tab to the right).
o Before update: The changes are listed as Accommodations changes.
o After update: The changes are listed with specific IEP labels.
- Updated calendar to restrict student blackout dates to a max range of 60 days for a single blackout date.
o Attempting to enter a blackout date that spans longer than 60 days will no longer be accepted (and a message appears). Previously defined blackout dates are not impacted.
- Resolved a style issue in the Activity editors with displaying an activity with a long title.
- Titles that extended beyond the length of the toolbar were extending the toolbar:
The title should be truncated, instead:
- Fixed a style issue in the Domain settings > Resource library editor where the chosen icon field borders were not showing properly.
- Before fix:
- After fix:
- Improved the Order courses tool to retain selected order when switching between teacher and student applications for users that have both roles.
- Resolved an issue with showing a link to view teacher feedback in the student Activity stream.
- The link wasn’t showing.
- Resolved a style issue where the notes count in the user notes screen was cut off.
- Resolved an issue with navigating to activity links from Agendas or Landing content in the Course home.
- Resolved an issue with navigating to the next student when submitting a grade for a student with the Activity grader.
- Resolved a navigation issue with switching observed students in the Observer application.
- Fixed an issue in assessments where question numbers would overlap the question when using an Activity theme with the question number position set to Top left.
Before fix:
After fix:
- Adjusted layout in the Administrator > Import tool, so the tools are always visible onscreen.
- Previously, users had to scroll down to see the Next button.
- Updated a third-party to resolve an issue that caused links inserted in Agendas to appear at the beginning the sentence a user's cursor was placed in rather than where the cursor was placed.
- This was resolved with a Froala update.
- Fixed a style issue where the sorting arrow in the Score column of the For me screen was getting cut off horizontally.
Before fix:
- Fixed an overlapping-text style issue in the Student > Calendar > Due-date scheduler screen.
- Before fix:
- After fix:
- Fixed an overlapping-text style issue in the Teacher > Activity editor > Settings > Advanced activity options card.
- Before fix:
- After fix:
- Gave administrators the ability to do any or all of the following as part of a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP):
- Record notes in the rich text editor.
- Upload a file (.html or .pdf) to attach to the student's IEP.
- Link a URL to the student's IEP.
- Fixed a style issue in the Domain settings > Theme card where the Menu logo field was pushed off the card if the logo preview was too wide.
- Updated html editor to allow users to insert LaTeX equations directly, using double dollar sign delimiters.
- Test with: $$\begin{bmatrix} 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & \cdots & 0 \end{bmatrix}$$
- Added padding to the Submit button when an activity requires a password.
- Before fix:
- After fix:
- Fixed a translation issue in the Admin app.
- The “Admin app” title was not being translated on all screens.
- Before fix:
- After fix:
- Fixed an issue in the Gradebook > For me screen, where the numbers in the date columns would act like hover text when they were scrolled under the static column text.
January 2024
- Fixed an issue in Domain Settings where uploading an invalid SAML XML file would result in a confusing error message. Domain Settings now reports specific XML parsing errors.
- The new detailed error messages will give information like this:
- Fixed an issue where clicking on an activity in the Editor > Activity list would sometimes jump the user to a different place on the screen.
- Fixed an issue where returning to the Calendar page from various dialog screens like Blackout Dates, User menu > Settings, or User menu > Choose Theme would show a page title other than Calendar.
- Repro steps:
- Open Student app > Calendar.
- Open Blackout dates.
- Close Blackout dates.
- Repro steps:
- Fixed an issue where returning to the Calendar page from various dialog screens like Blackout Dates, User menu > Settings, or User menu > Choose Theme would show a page title other than Calendar.
- Notice that where the Calendar title should be, Blackout dates appear.
- Improved the text in the error message used to communicate that an end user has an unstable internet connection that has caused a server call to fail.
- This is tricky to recreate as it depends on creating an unstable connection at the right moment. Previously, the message was very vague:
- Improved the text in the error message used to communicate that an end user has an unstable internet connection that has caused a server call to fail.
- The new message gives more context, something like the following (where the part that follows “Details:” is error-specific, but the part of the message with common causes always precedes it):
Code: ClientNetworkError
Message: Unable to communicate with service. Common causes are unstable Internet connections, service outages, or network firewalls that block access to this service. Details: Http failure response forhttps://api.agilixbuzz.com…: 0 Unknown Error
- Fixed an issue in the activity player where the completion checkmark would not show until the browser was refreshed after a student posted to a blog or journal activity.
- The completion checkmark now appears immediately after posting.
- Removed the now-deprecated text messages terminology from the Domain > Features screen.
- Fixed an issue in the Needs grading screen where the tooltips activities in the left panel would appear in the wrong place if the activity had a long title.
- Fixed a Dark color scheme style issue in the Editor > Syllabus screen's warning message.
- The text appeared as white on a light background.
- Added a Mark as missing activity option for graders in the Grade Editor and Activity editor > Batch update scoring screens. When Mark as missing is used for an activity:
- It is not marked as complete, so activities that require completion for access are not made accessible.
- A score can be assigned.
- An icon (clipboard with an exclamation point) appears with the activity in Grades screens.
- A Status: Missing message appears in the activities Grade details screens.
- Renamed the existing Missing footer in the course Gradebook to Unsubmitted.
- Resolved an issue with printing all pages of an assessment.
- [Firefox only] Fixed an issue where the edits on the submission thumbnail would not appear until refreshed after editing and saving an image for a student submission.
- Fixed an issue in the Admin app where batch-updating scores from a student’s Grades page would sometimes display the User Details screen afterward instead of re-displaying the student’s Grades page.
- Fixed a Dark color scheme issue when previewing activities.
- The text was not appearing correctly for the Dark color scheme.
- Before fix:
- After fix:
- Fixed an issue where, when a teacher selected the folder’s Settings > Visibility and access > Hide from table of contents option, the activities in that folder could still be navigated to from Activities, using the Previous and Next activity buttons.
- Updated Multiple answer, inline questions to automatically adjust the size of the clickable answer box to accommodate long text answers.
- Fixed an issue in the Editor > Syllabus where using drag-and-drop to move items would sometimes cause the screen to jump rather than scroll smoothly.
- Fixed an issue where opening a grouping from the Manage groupings screen could be problematic with groupings with short names.
- Users had to click the name rather than the row.
- Fixed an issue in rubrics where headers wouldn’t expand to fit multi-line titles.
- Before fix:
- After fix:
- Updates:
- Improved communication to students regarding correct and incorrect answer selections during their assessment reviews when enabled by the Display correct choices option.
- Resolved an Assessment review issue that would show an answered Matching categorization drag-and-drop question as unanswered if the question had distractors defined.
- Fixed an issue where Buzz would not save self-assessment scores if the student selected the highest score in the range for a category.
- All other scores were saved.
- Resolved a style issue with Admin app grids where text overlapped the first column on mouse hover.
- Resolved an issue where Review buttons were being displayed in the Student grade details > Objectives tab > Print preview screen.
- These shouldn’t appear in the print preview.
- Before fix:
- After fix:
- Fixed a Dark color theme style issue in the color picker where some labels were too dark to read.
- Before fix:
- After fix:
- Fixed an issue in the activity player’s Submission card where the “Status” field did not update to show the “Submitted” status after a student submitted an assessment or discussion post.
- Resolved a style issue with enrollment status indicators in the Admin app > Domain details > Teacher summary card.
- Indicators were displayed as ovals instead of circles.
- Before fix:
- After fix:
- Resolved an issue with leaving the Admin app > Restore courses screen after filtering courses.
- Users got an “unable to navigate” error.
- Repro steps:
- Open Admin app > Courses tool.
- Open the More menu in the toolbar (vertical dots), and select Restore.
- Filter the results (can be anything).
- Close the window by clicking the X in the corner.
- Before fix: You should get an “unable to navigate” error.
- After fix: You should be returned to the Courses tool.
- *****Added the ability to add an existing domain rubric to an Assessment Essay question for grading.
- Improved drag-and-drop behavior in Editor > Syllabus so that when a user drags an activity to the top or bottom of the screen, the screen now scrolls to accommodate.
- Updated Editor > Syllabus styles to truncate long activity titles.
- Before fix:
- After fix:
- Fixed an issue where Buzz failed to report an error message when a user attempted to open a course’s Gradebook from the Admin tool without ReadGradebook rights in the domain.
- Formerly, a “loading” indicator appeared indefinitely.
- Improved the error message that appears when a user attempts to access a custom URL from one domain and the user has permissions in a different domain. The message now clearly explains the error and includes steps to rectify the problem.
- Updated the Gradebook to retain column size adjustments made by the user after the user navigates away and returns to the screen.
- Fixed an issue in the Gradebook > Quick edit tool where the first digit entered in a cell wasn't being captured.
- Fixed an issue that occurred when using a rubric to grade in the Activity grader. If the rubric had a grade level of 0 and a grade level of 1 when the user assigned a 0 grade, the 0 and 1 columns were highlighted in the rubric.
- Before the fix:
- After the fix:
- Updated drag-and-drop behavior in Matching questions so that when a user drags a choice in a question that does not have the Interaction > Remove used choices from list option enabled, the choice remains in the list for the entire interaction.
- Previously, in this instance, the item would be removed from the list and repopulated after the dragged item was placed.
- New behavior:
- Deprecated the Domain settings > Theme > Tab color setting option, as we no longer support defining the color of the tab bar.
- Fixed an issue in the Activity grader where courses a user set to Hidden would still appear in the QuickNav dropdown list.
- Improved messaging and indicators to students when they do not pass an activity with the Require a passing score for course credit setting enabled.
- Added a Choose icon button in the Domain settings > Theme card and enlarged the Choose icon dialog to show icon names and icons.
- Added support for the Border radius CSS class.
- Made the Assessment grader > Points input field wider to avoid cutting off large point values.
- Fixed an issue in the Editor > Scheduling tab where the Collapse icon and tooltip wouldn't change after collapsing a panel.
- Fixed an issue with up and down arrow navigation functionality in the following places:
- Activity grader > Quick-edit grading: Up arrow, down arrow, enter keys move between score fields. For MOS and Standards-based courses, the left and right arrow keys move between the scoring objective score fields.
- Resolved a styling issue that caused the clear button to be clipped in the Editor > Course objectives screen > Filter field.
- What you should see:
- What you see if you enter text, then clear it, then enter text again (before fix):
- Fixed an issue where Buzz incorrectly reported an unknown error message when you self-enrolled in a course. In this case, the self-enrollment succeeded, but Buzz erroneously reported the error.
- To reproduce, try to self-enroll in a course that has it enabled:
- Added the ability to toggle the Gradable activity setting in Bulk edit.
- Updated the column headers for folders in the Gradebook grid to stick as you scroll horizontally so that you can always see the folder activities are contained in.
- Resolved a scrolling issue with long IEP accommodations text and large images.
- Content was getting cut off in the popup.
- Added the ability to update activity student-submission settings with the Editor > Activity list > Bulk edit tool.
- [QA] Fixed an issue in the Activity editor > Activity tab > Attachments card > Add attachment dialog where the Add attachment button would remain enabled when it should not have been.
- When you added a Course resource and switched from the Course resource radio button to the Google document radio button without removing the resource, the Add attachment button remained enabled.
- Fixed an error where the Choose Google file button would randomly report an Unable to communicate with Google error when clicked.
- Added a divider between individual Page types when defining a Resource library in Domain settings.
- Fixed an issue in the Activity editor > History tab where attempting to re-sync an activity’s metadata property not defined in the current domain would not re-sync the property.
- Fixed an issue in the Activity player where next and prior activity buttons with long activity names would overflow the button.
- Before fix:
- [Firefox specific] Fixed an issue in Admin > Domain settings > Text editor where the code tabs were too narrowly displayed.
- Fixed an issue where some Admin > User pages included the user’s name in Google Analytics reporting.
- Fixed an issue where the Discussion activity icon was getting clipped in the Needs grading page.
- Fixed an issue in the Final grades screen where the Filter by group button would get clipped when filtered for a group with a long name.
- Without fix:
- With fix:
- Updated Multiple answer inline questions to mark correct/incorrect answers like all other Multiple answer questions.
- Buzz doesn't give a "correct" indicator next to answers that are not chosen when they shouldn't be.
- Fixed an issue where the Editor > Find activity tool wouldn't always scroll the user to the activity they searched for and selected.
- Fixed an issue where the collapse/expand button in the side panel of the Editor > Scheduling tab didn't work.
- Added a preview to the Choose theme screen, showing users how the theme colors are used in the app.
- Changed the label from Allowed file extensions to Limit file types in Submission settings.
- A new color picker was added throughout the app.
- Removed the Universal Analytics Tracking ID field from the Domain Settings, and Buzz no longer sends any data to Google’s deprecated Universal Analytics. Buzz continues to send data to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) for domains configured with a GA4 measurement ID.
- Added GRADERENROLLMENTID as an available variable for customtype URLs launched in grader mode.
- Resolved some accessibility issues in the activity player.
- Fixed an issue where the Student > Calendar > Target end date could automatically be set to an erroneous date if a date wasn’t entered. We now require a date be entered.
- Fixed an issue where hiding a Buzz tab by clicking on another tab in the same browser would cause activity time spent in the obscured Buzz tab not to be recorded.