Students and Teachers have easy access to Pearson Connexus through their school's website, which only requires them to sign in once. While some Observers can access Pearson Connexus directly from the school website, it's a little trickier for others, and they must enter their credentials on the Pearson Connexus login page. Before attempting to log in, please read the instructions below.
If you see the this screen:
Simply enter your username and password in the space provided.
If you see the following screen, notice there is no space for a Username or Password. DO NOT SELECT LOGIN. It will not work. Instead, follow the instructions below.
If you do not see prompts to enter your Username and Password on the Pearson Connexus login page:
- Select the three-dot icon to the right of the LOGIN button.
- Select Use application login.
- The typical credential boxes to enter Username and Password now display. Enter your username and password. NOTE: If you do not see this option, contact school administrators and ask for this login option.
- Select LOGIN.
Forgot your password?
If you do not know your password, select Forgot password from the More (three dots) icon to reset it, using your Pearson Connexus information in your email setup profile.