Pearson Connexus lets students evaluate their personal understanding, interest, and effort in a course. Giving Teachers an honest Self-Assessment provides opportunities for them to collaborate with students and improve students' experiences and progress.
Complete a Self-Assessment:
- From the Home page, select the desired course's Course Card and select the Heart in the Header Menu.
- Assess yourself by selecting the appropriate color on the scale below each of the following areas:
- Understanding
- Red = Lost
- Yellow = OK
- Green = Competent
- Blue = Expert
- Interest
- Red = Bored
- Yellow = OK
- Green = Interested
- Blue = Very Interested
- Effort
- Red = Slacking
- Yellow = OK
- Green = Trying
- Blue = 100%
- Understanding
- Select Update to save and share the Self-Assessment with the Teacher.

Notice that the heart changes colors to reflect your choices.
Giving your teacher an honest Self-Assessment can open up opportunities for you to collaborate to improve your experience and progress.

- You’ll notice that you can access the heart icon from the toolbar whenever you have a specific course selected.
- The Heart button is multi-colored to indicate your most recent Self-Assessment.