Pearson has partnered with TextHelp® to provide additional accessibility tools within most of our content. The SpeechStream tool supports accessibility in a number of ways. (Click here for a video overview of the features presented in this article.)
- Text-to-speech reads on-screen text out loud with visual tracking. This helps to improve reading comprehension.
- Translation allows words to be translated into multiple languages. Online learners can read and listen to digital content in their preferred language
- Dictionary with audio and pictorial definitions. Online learners can look up the definition of any word, helping them build vocabulary
- Screen mask with reading pane reduces visual stress and improves focus.
- Text Magnifier magnifies text and reads it out loud. This increases accessibility of even the smallest web text.
Feature of the TTS toolbar
Click and hold this icon to move the TTS toolbar into a different position on the page. |
Play, pause, and stop online text narration. |
Translation tool that allows words to be translated into multiple languages. Online learners can read and listen to digital content in their preferred language. |
Dictionary with audio definitions. Online learners can look up the definition of any word, helping them build vocabulary. |
Pictorial definition of highlighted word. |
Screen mask with reading pane reduces visual stress and improves focus. |
Text magnifier magnifies text and reads it out loud. This increases accessibility of even the smallest web text. |
Highlighter tool allowing online learners to highlight important text on the page. |
Settings allow users to modify the TTS speech experience to meet their unique needs. |
This tool will collapse the tool bar tools. |
Use Text-to-Speech
When student have a compatible activity open, a Text to speech (TTS) button displays in the top banner, as shown in the image below. Select the icon to open the TTS toolbar.
Select the Play button to start reading aloud. If it does not start or if you want to start lower on the page, double-click on the word on the page to begin first, then select the Play button on the TTS toolbar to read aloud the assignment text. Select Pause or Stop as needed to end reading aloud.
Use the Translation Tool
To display a selection of text in a student’s native language, select the text to translate, then select the translate icon. A popup window will display the translation.
Using the dictionary tool
The dictionary tool is a quick way to better understand unknown words and find their meaning. Simply select the work, then select the dictionary icon to see this.
Using the Pictorial tool
An additional representation of word definitions in pictorial form can also be provided. Highlight the word, then select the pictorial tool.
Using the Screen Mask Tool
This tool helps students focus on the specific text on the page that is either being read aloud along with the text-to-speech tool, or used without to help the student focus their reading on the passages and not the whole page. The scroll tool requires the student to use a mouse to move it up and down on the page. If text-to-speech is engaged along with it, it will not follow the text-to-speech automatically; this tool is manually used.
Using the Magnifier Tool
For readers that need a larger font, this tool will display all text that is being read aloud in conjunction with the text-to-speech tool and display it in a larger font at the top of the lesson. Select the magnifier too, then select any word on the page to start magnifying the text and having it read aloud.
Using the highlight tool
Text can be highlighted on the page to remember important concepts; this allows for combining concepts and even viewing the highlighted text as a collection on page for additional review before moving on.
Controlling SpeechStream Settings
Students have many choices of languages and how they want their user experience to be within the settings gear icon of the toolbar.
To change translations, select the Translation tab, change the translating from and into language, then select Save.
The General tab allows changes to text speed, text highlight colors, speech mode, and the text magnifier size choices.
Screen Tools provide students with more choices to make their experience fit their needs.
All domains are configured with this tool by default. Pearson Connexus does not recommend changing this setting, or students will no longer see the toolbar within activities. If accidentally removed, follow these steps to return it to the domain.
SpeechStream Settings
To view SpeechStream as an Administrator and replace if missing:
- Scroll to the SpeechStream card in Domain Settings.
- It should look like this configuration below. If it is not present, add the following:
- SpeechStream URL:
- SpeechStream v3 config: pearsonconnexusv321r1
- Select Save. This setting is applied to all courses and subdomains.