Grades in Pearson Connexus
In Pearson Connexus, all grades are captured in the gradebook and weighted according to the course design. The Overall Score is then calculated as activities are completed. A student’s final grade for the course isn’t ready until all items in that course are completed, so until that point the Overall Score is not final.
Grades from Pearson Connexus to PowerSchool
The integration Pearson offers for sending grades from Pearson Connexus to PowerSchool only sends the individual activity scores. These are calculated with the weights and sent as a percentage grade. The Overall Score is calculated by PowerSchool.
Troubleshooting Mismatch of Grades
If you see that the Overall Scores are not matching between the systems, there are a few steps you can try to explain or resolve the mismatch. These steps can be completed in any order and if one of the steps resolves the mismatch, you can skip the remaining steps.
Step 1: Check Grade Weighting in PowerSchool
Check to ensure you are not double weighting grades. If weights are applied in the PowerSchool SIS, you may see grades that are ‘double weighted’ in the gradebook.
Validate that there are no grade weights set for the Pearson courses in PowerSchool. The grades are sent from Pearson already weighted. If weights are applied to gradebook categories in PowerSchool, you may see an inconsistency with grades.
Step 2: Check Activity Completion
See if all activities for the course are completed. If all required activities are not completed, the Overall Score calculation in PowerSchool may not match how Pearson Connexus calculates Overall Score. If this is the case, you will want to check your PowerSchool settings.
Step 3: Check PowerSchool Grade Calculation Settings
If not all required activities have been completed or a mismatch between the Overall Scores in both systems is still unexplained after checking the weighting and activity completion, the next troubleshooting step is to adjust the way that grades are calculated in the PowerSchool gradebook.
- Log into PowerSchool
- Go to Teacher Schedule
- Select the teacher for the course
- Launch PowerTeacher Pro
- Click on Settings - > Traditional Grade Calculations
- Select the ‘Action’ on which ‘Reporting Term’ you would like to change.
- Click Actions then select “TYPE” dropdown and select which type you need; in this case it is “Category Weighting”.
- See if this resolves the issue.