Ways to Deliver Video Content
The ability to use videos as part of a lesson opens up many opportunities to create engaging, robust experiences for students.
Video features in Pearson Connexus:
- Embed streaming videos: The platform provides an easy way to embed other streaming video services that allow for it. As with YouTube, this is a great way to provide students with a seamless experience and the viewing options of a professional streaming service (closed captions, quality options, size options, etc) without having to host the content directly. Many of these services allow users to add content and manage who can access it.
- Host and embed videos: If there are restrictions on streaming services, content can be embedded.
- Attach video files to an activity: Users can also attach video files to an activity for students to download and play.
Embed Streaming Videos
Pearson allows users to embed videos from other streaming services that support embedding. A user can do so in two places:
- Embed Code is an option when adding activities with the Editor.
- The rich text editors in the Editor include an Embed Code button.
To embed these videos:
- Find and copy the embedding code from the streaming service; this is most often found by selecting the Share button.
- Select Embed Code and paste the code into the provided field. When embedding code as an activity, users must provide a title.
- Select OK.
These videos appear embedded wherever students access them.
Host and Embed Videos
To host videos on users' own secure servers or hosting accounts, use the same Embed Code buttons outlined in the previous section:
- Embed Code is an option when adding activities with the Editor.
- The rich text editors in the Editor include an Embed Code button.
To embed videos hosted on a secure server or hosting account:
- Select Embed Code and paste the following code into the provided field:
<div><video width="320" height="240" preload="" controls="controls" src="[INSERT VIDEO SOURCE URL]"></video></div>
- Replace the bolded text with the video's source URL. When embedding code as an activity, a title must be provided.
- Select OK.
These videos appear embedded wherever students access them.