There are various reasons why teachers may want to allow students to complete an assessment using paper. These include meeting specific Accommodations listed in an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or ensuring alignment with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Courses on the Pearson Connexus platform come with different course origins. These course origins include Pearson, eDynamics, GradPoint, and Apex. To find which course has each origin please refer to the Course list with Origin excel file, which can be found for admins in your Communication Hub course. Reminder: How to get to the Communication Hub course) Teachers- reach out to your admin/manager for course origins.
This article will cover the following topics:
Print Assessments in GradPoint and eDynamics Courses
Print Assessments in Pearson Courses
Grade Printed Assessments GradPoint and eDynamics Courses
Grade Printed Assessments Pearson Courses
Print Assessments in GradPoint and eDynamics Courses
To print unique assessments for each student:
- Select Activities from the desired course card on the Home page.
- Select the assessment that you want to print and select Print.
- Check the boxes next to the students for whom you want to print assessments. Each assessment that you print is:
- unique
- associated with a specific student
- given a trackable version number
- counted as a "new attempt" and remains open until the printed assessment is returned and entered into the system (see Grade assessments section) or until the student completes the assessment through the system
- Select Print.
- Look over the print preview to ensure it's correct then select Print again.
- Distribute each assessment to the student named at the top.
Print Assessments in Pearson Courses
Print a student's completed assessment from the Gradebook
- Navigate to the Gradebook.
- Select the completed assessment you wish to print.
- Select the student's name you would like to print the assessment for.
- The assessment loads in the grading interface. Select Print Results at bottom right. Do not select the Printer icon at top right. This does not work.
- Print Results will print the student's responses with correct/incorrect indicators and any per-question feedback. It will not print overall feedback left in the Pearson Connexus grading interface in the right panel.
Important: If you need to print a copy of an assessment that does not have the correct answers selected, you can proxy as a student to do this. At this time it is not possible to print a "paper copy" of the test without answers selected except through a student's account. See Instructions for Printing Non-Attempted Pearson Assessments as a Student.
Instructions for Printing Non-Attempted Pearson Assessments as a Student
- Proxy as a student who has not taken the assessment.
- Navigate to the assessment inside the course.
- Select the assessment Start button. Do not select the Print button from this screen if one appears.
- The assessment start page loads, presenting the honor code and the number of questions per assessment.
- Select the Print button at the bottom of this page.
- A blank copy of the assessment will print. No answers are selected.
Print Assessments in Apex Courses
Instructions for printing assessments are available in the Apex Teacher Guide in the section: Computer Scored Answer Keys and Print Assessments.
Grade Printed Assessments
Grade Printed Assessments GradPoint and eDynamics Courses
To grade printed assessments when they are returned:
- Select Gradebook from the desired course card on the Home page.
- Select the assessment, select Tools, and select Enter printed-assessment answers in the toolbar.
- Select the student whose assessment you want to grade.
- Make sure the version number is correct and enter the answers from the printed assessment into the appropriate fields.
- Select Submit. Pearson automatically grades the assessment and a checkmark appears next to the student.
Grade Printed Assessments Pearson and Apex Courses
To grade printed assessments in Pearson and Apex courses, navigate to the Activity Grader for the assessment and then the Student Grader screen (Grade Editor).
- Enter the overall grade for the assessment in the score field.
- Attach the student's completed assessment as a record of the student's responses. The student's responses for a printed Pearson or Apex assessment are not saved in the platform unless attached in the Grade Editor.