Fill in the blank questions ask students to provide a word or phrase to accurately complete a statement. You can provide multiple correct answers to account for possible variations and feedback.
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Fill in the blank question options
Create Fill in the blank questions
Fill in the blank question options
Pearson Connexus allows you to create various types of Fill in the blank questions. Here are some of the most common:
You can select the Normal Answer type in the Question content card to set up questions that expect the student to provide an exact match (including letter case) for one of the correct answers you provide.

Case insensitive
You can use the Case insensitive Answer type in the Question content card to set up questions that expect the student to provide an exact match that ignores uppercase/lowercase discrepancies.

You can use the Number Answer type in the Question content card to set up questions that look specifically for numbers, and can even set up ranges of numbers that can be accepted as correct.
By default, any number within 1% of the correct answer is considered correct.

You can specify your own match range if you use two dots between the start and the end value of the correct answer. For example: 3.14..3.1416.

On the Interaction card, you can specify a required number of Significant figures (aka significant digits) students must enter to get the question correct.

Math expression - Exact
You can use the Math expression - Exact Answer type in the Question content card to set up questions that look for answers to mathematical equations that exactly match the calculated answer. If the question were 2+2=, 4 is the only correct answer even though 6-2 yields the same value. Pearson Connexus provides an expression editor to insert symbols.

Math expression - Equivalent
You can use the Math expression - Equivalent Answer type in the Question content card to set up questions that look for answers to mathematical equations that match the calculated value of the question. If the question is 2+2=, any equation that equals 4 would be accepted. Pearson Connexus provides an expression editor to insert symbols.

Create Fill in the blank questions
Fill in the blank questions can be added to assessments and practice questions activities.
- Add the Assessment or Practice Questions activity.
- Add a fill in the blank question to the activity.
- Follow the directions, below.
Question content
- Use the dropdown to choose from the following Answer types:
- Normal, which looks for an exact match.
- Case insensitive, which looks for an exact match, without concern about capitalization.
- Number, which looks for numbers.
- By default, any number within 1% of the correct answer is considered correct. You can specify your own match range if you use two dots between the start and the end value of the correct answer. For example: 3.14..3.1416.
- On the Interaction card, you can specify a required number of Significant figures (aka significant digits) students must enter to get the question correct.
- Regular expression, which allows you to set up custom matching criteria (e.g., you may want to look for a specific term and disregard everything else).
- Math expression - Exact, which enables equation buttons for each answer and requires an exact match of the equations expression, not just result in the same value.
- For example, if the answer is 2a, a+a wouldn't be counted correct even though the calculated value is the same.
- Pearson Connexus supports various math operations.
- Math expression - Equivalent, which enables equation buttons for each answer and accepts any equation that results in the same mathematical value.
- For example, if the answer is 2a, a+a would be counted correct because the calculated value is the same.
- Define the Width of the blanks by number of letters that can fit.
- Specify how many Points the question is worth.
- Click Add answer to set the number of blanks you want in the question.
- Enter the question as you want it displayed to students. Click Insert blank to place the blanks where you want them; this button appears whenever you've added more answers than there are blanks.
- Note: To remove the blanks, remove the answer as described in Step 7; Pearson Connexus then prompts you to Remove extra blanks as described in Step 8.
- Enter the correct answer(s) in the field(s) below; they correspond with the blanks above in the same order they appear.
- Select the more menu next to an answer to Remove it or Add alternative answer to it. Adding an alternative answer creates another line where you can enter another correct answer for the question.

- If you remove an answer that already has a blank above, Pearson Connexus prompts you to remove the extra blank.

- This section pictures and explains the default visual editor; enable the Text editor to create and edit questions with the advanced Text editor.

To manage the question's Interaction:
- Indicate how you want the answer options labeled.
- Check the Maintain response order box if you want the answer options to always appear as you entered them.
- Check the Graphic box to create a Graphic hot spot question.
- Note the accessibility message: Graphic questions are not accessible for users who require keyboard-only access or screen readers.
- Check the Show inline box to make answer options appear in clickable boxes inline with sentences.
- Check the Display workspace box to give students a rich text editor where they can record their notes and processes as they work on the question.
- Students can also record and upload video or audio responses as part of their notes.
- If one or more passages have been included in the activity, you can select one to attach to this question from the Include passage drop-down.
- Provide a Custom question definition (contact support for additional assistance).

The Metadata card lets you attach information to questions:
- Assign a difficulty level to each question can help track your overall assessment difficulty.
- Add a question to an existing group.
- When putting questions in an assessment activity, groups are used to assign questions to assessment question pools.
- When putting questions in a practice questions activity, Groups are used to assign questions specific attempt limits.
- The question ID is a unique identifier for this question.

Objective mastery
From the Objective mastery card, you can align the question with objective(s).
This makes it possible to set up Formative and Remediation assessments.

Use the Score card to indicate:
- If you want to allow for Partial credit. And, if so, if you want to automatically Round the score.
- If you want the question to count as Extra credit.
With the Variables section, you can create a range or list of variables for use in the question.
Check the appropriate box(es) to provide students with one or more of the following calculators to use with this question (Basic, Standard, and/or Scientific). This can also be specified for the entire activity with the Assessment activity editor.

Make a protractor available to students while they complete this question. This can also be specified for the entire activity with the Assessment activity editor.

Make one or more rulers (6 inch, 12 inch, 15 centimeter, 30 centimeter) available to students while they complete this question. This can also be specified for the entire activity with the Assessment activity editor.

Companion Material
Select Add material in Companion Material to attach any supplemental documents students need to complete this question. You can do this by:
- Pointing to existing resources in the course.
- Uploading new files (PDFs only).

Students can access Companion material by clicking the Files icon in the toolbar.